Favorite team:Houston Astros 
Number of Posts:2973
Registered on:2/16/2011
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[quote]Live and let live, but don’t ask others to validate a lifestyle that is contradictory to biology. What two consenting adults do in their bedroom is their business, but please stop trying to get everyone else to say it is normal.[/quote] If it was a "I'm proud that I'm gay and successful in...
[quote]If you have a child age 5 and under you know damn well who ms Rachel is. We watch her daily bc my 8 month old loves it and Rachel's retarded ideology doesn't change that. We do fast forward when the queer comes on though.[/quote] It's long past time to stop watching at all if they go there...
Looking at this judge….what a shock I tell you...

re: How will you celebrate pride month?

Posted by statman34 on 5/31/24 at 10:09 am
[quote]You'd think that "Gay Pride" month would feature preeminent, accomplished gay men and women. Instead, it is sex charged parades that have nothing to do with pride.[/quote] This a terrific take, honestly. It SHOULD be embarrassing to every gay person who lives their life within normal p...
In all fairness, they didn't give him any chance to get better. People with his knowledge and game awareness cannot be found everyday. Work with him on the announcer aspects and you may see a real gem in year 2. But they got rid of him and that was that....
The problem is that progressive idiots will shout from the rooftops that DEI is not exclusion while knowing that it is anything but white. Diversity as looked at by skin color is one of the dumbest things going today and will eventually be a major problem as it becomes more and more entrenched....
[quote]Because of the fan base being so male-dominated[/quote] Think about this quote that she acknowledges. Now think about how she has attempted to circumvent this known and long established fact by trying to make Star Wars something it is not. How do so many people fail at logic? Let's take...
I haven't been to Target in a year. I'm running out of places to shop. Why can't people just shut up and sell shite without getting stupid?...

re: Jackson, MS has fallen

Posted by statman34 on 5/29/24 at 9:21 am
[quote]No, but I do think using their story to present a bogus narrative is what the board’s Twitter bot did.[/quote] regardless of whether this will happen to anyone in Jackson, it did happen to this family and with the children involved. It's not rage bait, it is something so awful for any dec...
[quote]blaming republicans[/quote] 80% of everything that comes out of Diversity Raggedy Ann's mouth is gaslighting Republicans. It's really all she does and it's pretty shameful at this point. Every single talking point starts with "despite Republicans effort not to....."...
Selective Executive Order Syndrome. If Trump had something you didn't like it was an immediate reversal with absolutely no congressional input, same with Student Loan Forgiveness. But securing the border? Nah! Let them eat cake!...
[quote]What Target is really doing is admitting their super-woke campaign was a failure without admitting they were wrong[/quote] Except they will just do it low key such as rainbows on every little boy shirts they sell including queer slogans and stupid shite like that. Sure there won’t be a spo...
It's been a year since I shopped at Target and I won't go back. ...
Maybe the axer was going to check your credick at Walmarks before you bought some uuurange juice....
[quote]I agree that the police over rely on traffic stops as a point of contact to get people in the system.[/quote] Perhaps. But I would argue that having illegal guns, drugs and stolen property while in the process of a traffic stop is sort of an important factor in why a person may need to be...
I'd like to believe these people are stupid (and while they are its a different type of stupid), however, the scary thing is it's all done on purpose and it's going to result in more deaths because it takes away the ability to stop stuff before it happens if you are dealing with a violent criminal w...
[quote]The best is that they had a trial for a white woman and after they found her not guilty she met with the jury privately and then determined they got it wrong and made all parties reintervene in the court room to get it right.[/quote] This alone should remove her from the bench for life. A...
I am driving my vehicles until they cannot be driven any longer. I refuse to play the new car game the way it currently is unless I absolutely have to....
He’s becoming my favorite senator! ...

re: What are the pros and cons of HOA?

Posted by statman34 on 4/30/24 at 3:49 pm
Mandatory HOAs in shitty DR Horton starter home neighborhoods that want to charge you $300 a year with no community pool or playground are never worth the cost. I don't really care about what color my neighbor paints his house or whether his fence is exactly 5 feet from whatever arbitrary bullshite ...