Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:10/21/2010
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Nothing that a pellet gun wouldn't be able to handle...

re: For anyone that missed it

Posted by MBclass83 on 5/31/24 at 2:14 pm
I did miss it. Thanks...
We used to live in a city that had a Wonder Bread bakery. Oh boy, at night it was heavenly. When I smell bread baking, it takes me back to childhood....
I thought about you the other day while cleaning out a relative's house. Do you know anything about Emmett Kelly jr figurines? I have 4 of them each about 10" tall and they play music. ...
What's really crazy is a convicted felon can be the POTUS. How does that make any sense?...
Which they would execute tomorrow. What a POS crazy MF'r....
Celebrate most definitely....
I also got a steroid injection where the nerve root came out. I'm good as new now so there is hope. ...
I had a synovial cyst between L4 and L5. Pressed on nerve for about 2 years. Then one day I was in excruciating pain and could not walk. Got the cyst removed and a fusion to stabilize the area. When I woke up, I was screaming in pain. The nerve and nerve root were severely inflamed. Not ...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by MBclass83 on 5/28/24 at 8:42 pm
Mine once told me she wished I would get hit by a car. Now, she's great. Lol...

re: Karen Read murder trial

Posted by MBclass83 on 5/28/24 at 7:52 pm
I have watched most of the trial. There is a lot of doubt in her case. All I know is that these grown people drink a lot. Her BAC was 93 at 9 the next morning. She may have been drunk driving and hit him and doesn't remember. But intentionally killing him is a stretch. ...
One of the few dogs I do not like....
I use one of those round net balls. No wash cloth...
Not my favorite, but we played the heck out of Monopoly. Never finished the game and always ended in a fight. Good times...

re: Enough with the ump cam

Posted by MBclass83 on 5/26/24 at 2:54 pm
I'm about to vomit...

re: South Carolina 11 @ LSU 12 Final

Posted by MBclass83 on 5/25/24 at 5:20 pm
frick Tenn in their stupid fricking asses You mean the Volunqueers?...

re: Tommy sick?

Posted by MBclass83 on 5/25/24 at 3:22 pm
He just yelled an F bomb. So did I ...

re: Making a detour to Hoover tomorrow

Posted by MBclass83 on 5/24/24 at 8:02 pm
Be careful driving and have a wonderful time. We jumped in the car last year on a few hours notice and headed to Omaha. One of the most fun trips ever. The stars aligned. My friends and I have talked about it for years and we're not getting any younger. ...