Favorite team:Florida 
Location:In Traitor Joe Biden's US
Biography:Joe Biden = Traitor to the United States
Interests:sec sports
Number of Posts:11527
Registered on:10/11/2010
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re: Political Melt Thread

Posted by UFMatt on 6/1/24 at 6:59 am
Cheese, I understand your position but one of these will be President. Two of them have a record and results to consider. Are you or the country better off under Biden than when Trump was President? Simple question. ...
We will see when he is tried for treason. ...
A POS can identify as a rose, but it still smells like a POS,...
[quote]quote: Takes a second and third look at RFK… I’ll take the convicted felon over the raving loon, thank you.[/quote] or the traitor....
Texas vs Biden for failure to execute his oath of office in allowing an invasion of illegals into the country....
[quote]I was one of the 30% of new donors, first time I've ever donated to a politician[/quote] Me too! Took a while, the first time I tried, the site was down....
[quote]ForeverGato[/quote] You are just making a move to get to the final four in worse poster contest with this BS. I see what you are up to, I know that you are not stupid enough to support the traitor in the white house for another term. In just 3 years he has done severe damage to this countr...

re: Political Melt Thread

Posted by UFMatt on 5/31/24 at 9:11 am
I don't care whether you own up to it, or lie and deny, anyone who continues to support the puppet traitor in the white house, needs an intervention. ...
Texas vs Joe Biden for failure to execute his oath of office. A good place to start. Trial should be held in October in the most conservative district in the state. Seriously the SCOTUS needs to get off its arse and put an end to this constitutional crisis....

re: 2024 Baseball

Posted by UFMatt on 5/31/24 at 7:03 am
What a performance by the softball Gators yesterday! hopefully it will inspire the baseball team. Go Gators!...

re: Political Melt Thread

Posted by UFMatt on 5/31/24 at 7:00 am
Well given today's choices, I will vote for the felon over a traitor anytime. The felony conviction will be reversed on appeal, but the traitor will always be what he is. I fear for President Trump, in banana republics if political prosecution of the opposition doesn't work the regime in power take...

re: Update: Trump verdict is in...GUILTY

Posted by UFMatt on 5/30/24 at 8:24 pm
The traitors won the battle today but will lose the war come November. ...
If SCOTUS doesn't recognize Presidental immunity, traitor Joe should spend the rest of his pitiful life in court rooms or behind bars. Of course, they will claim that he is mentally unfit for prosecution, which we all know is probably true....
The district where the jurors were selected from, and the judge assigned to the case were a plan to determine the outcome before the case was heard. There was no way that Trump would receive a fair trial under those conditions. This was traitor Joe Biden's handlers plan from the start....
The only crime going on in New York is election interference by the traitor Joe Biden's DOJ and it's pawns....

re: Auburn Golf NCAA Champs

Posted by UFMatt on 5/30/24 at 10:25 am
If UCFCC beats the Gators this season, I say we hire Malzahn from them. I am sure he would like to coach for a D1 program again....
Hopefully there are thousands more....
Every mutt has his day, enjoy while you can. :cheers:...