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Location:F_uck Joe Biden, TX
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Registered on:10/9/2010
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More bullshite in Ukraine... :yawn:...

re: Do any retirees “miss” work?

Posted by HubbaBubba on 5/11/24 at 9:30 am
I "retire" at the end of this month. I'm 68. Company offered everyone over 60 years of age an early retirement package. Mine pays me through the end of this year with benefits in place, except they stop contributing to the 401k, although I'll get a 5/12ths prorated amount of profit sharing next May....

re: Operation Paperclip and Unit 731

Posted by HubbaBubba on 5/11/24 at 6:55 am
[quote]Agreed. We should have elected Ron Paul[/quote]We should have elected Ross Perot....
[quote]What a crappy beach[/quote] That's like, a sandy shore on a lake or river. ...
SIAP [link=(https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/a-win-for-civil-forfeiture-but-the-supreme-court-is-skeptical/)]National Review[/link] [quote]The Supreme Court this morning, in [i]Culley v. Marshall[/i], handed a modest victory to aggressive civil-forfeiture schemes, but the Court’s lineup m...
[quote]"But they did it too" is not exactly persuasive.[/quote]Neither were the claims made against Trump. The President actually should have final say in foreign policy....
Small businesses where owners pull in under $200k in personal income are low-hanging fruit for the IRS and these same people are typically easy to intimidate if they aren't using a good CPA and/or tax attorney to help guide them on their investments in the business and how to properly manipulate the...
I always thought she has man hands and a very weird look. Not aging well....
What's the political ramifications? ...
[quote]What a sick brain worm infested frick.[/quote]FIFY...
[quote]So wages have been suppressed thanks to illegals? I’m sure that will go over well with voters.[/quote]Also, all those people have to live somewhere, causing increased competition for low cost housing, which (a) creates opportunities to increase rent and home prices as people move up and home ...
[quote]Kansas Murder Rate: 6.40 homicides per 100k NY State Murder Rate: 4.80 homicides per 100k[/quote]Whatcha wanna' wager the vast majority of those are committed by cultured thugs?...
[quote]Stormy testimony: i had sex with Donald Trump Defense: you gave an interview where you said you didn't have sex with Donald Trump Judge: nope. Nuh uh. Not going to allow it. It's absolutely blatant.[/quote]I mean, the attorney should be able to impeach the witness' testimony with...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by HubbaBubba on 5/9/24 at 1:32 pm
[quote][img]https://i.imgur.com/AysZunW.jpeg[/img][/quote]Yeah, and if you had saved that $1.25 60 years ago and just managed an 8% growth it would be worth 100x it's value, today....
[quote]Violations does not = fraud.[/quote]"She never 'intended' to violate the law, so no harm, no foul'?...
? Is this just some random comment by you or is it attributable to some statement by a politician or publication?...

re: What was Kristi Noem thinking?

Posted by HubbaBubba on 5/9/24 at 12:15 am
People do pathological behavior all the time. For example, arguing with or disagreeing with your wife. In your brain there's this little voice telling you, "You already know that this is a bad idea, so don't do it, man. Just don't engage!" And yet, most men will STILL do it, anyway, fully knowing...
And posters here STILL watch FOX News. :casty:...
[quote]Raise corporate tax rate and then demand they earn less on retail goods. Let's see how this strategy plays out[/quote]Just wait until Trump's tax reduction expires and the middle class has to pay another 5-10% of their income to taxes. Then corporations will be pressured further to raise wage...
[quote]Housing prices started to explode in 2020 during the Pandemic. People getting into bidding wars because they were bored and because the money was ridiculously cheap.[/quote]Nobody mentions the fact that all these illegals have to live somewhere. So they rent the low rent houses that other peo...