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Location:Dothan, AL
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Registered on:5/14/2010
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[quote]So what men are these women going to marry since women refuse to marry down(in their mind)? Hypergamy is real.[/quote] at least half of these degrees are useless and will never pay off their student loans without the help of a man to pay for them....
An engineer I know and worked a lot with was on there. He ended up hitting the bottle hard, getting a divorce (his ex taking out about 100k in credit cards in his name beforehand) and losing his partnership at his firm. good times....
Im on 2 boards. I work at an animal shelter on weekends and whenever it needs other stuff done. I probably only donate a couple hundred a year honestly but probably donate 40-50 hours a year in work and tools. The other board is an Auburn Alumni board. I don't donate much of anything to it as ...

re: Lifetime Total $ Spent on Amazon

Posted by Warfarer on 5/13/24 at 4:08 pm
[quote]$159,124.34 But as I said, I order a lot of stuff for business too and that is since I started using Amazon more in 2013[/quote] This makes me feel a lot better lol. Mine is nearly 94,000. I am in the same boat though. I have probably spent close to 8-10k on just diamond blades for...
So now that they are white men, are they their own worst enemy now?...
So I don't need to fly into JFK going to New York then? Got it....
How about we stop bullshitting with this stuff and put these women down? It seems like it is a constant barrage of women getting busted with underage students now. I know the old joke is "where were these teachers when I was school" but this is ridiculous....
In my work life, yes. For sure. In my love life, no. I waited a long time to get married, 39. I avoided having kids until I got married and the shitty woman I married already had a daughter and we decided not to have kids together (thank goodness on that side of it). My parents love my nephew...
She was a smoke show ten years ago. Now she is a 8 for a 40 year old. Not trying to sound bad, in ten more years it will look like she married up when Colin ages better than she does....

re: GOT - Three Eyed Raven

Posted by Warfarer on 4/25/24 at 6:15 pm
[quote]No one knows since GRRM won’t actually finish the series.[/quote] I haven't even heard or seen anyone complaining about him the last year. I think everyone has just given up hope that he ever will finish the books up....
I hope someone goes and squats in her house and she has to go through years of "due process" to get them out....
This is from another article that I found because I wanted to see what she made doing pron. the article said she only made about 1200 a scene when she was the top "actress". [quote]This was just one of a whole host of horrifying reasons and experiences that led Lana to decide to quit. But now, ...

re: The Top 20 Movies That Made Men Cry

Posted by Warfarer on 4/21/24 at 8:44 pm
I don’t know who made this one. I will agree with About Time and Field of Dreams. The majority of the list is crap and I’m not sure if I even whimpered at them. - Old Yeller should be on there. - Endgame should probably be on there for Downey at the end. - Shawshank should be on there -...
[quote]Indiana cop fired after body slamming teenage girl[/quote] I was expecting far worse than what actually happened. I was expecting her to have been picked up and slammed into the ground hitting her head and everything. She was drug out of the car. No idea what was said to escalate the si...
[quote]Wonder who they will get to play Mr. House? Robert Downey Jr. would be awesome but they probably can’t afford him Maybe Jon Hamm or Josh Brolin?[/quote] I don't think it will be Mr House. The big reveal for season 2 has to be that Cooper's daughter is the big bad after her mother ...
[quote]There’s the problem [/quote] Take away the 750 and put 400 instead and the 50/30/20 rule would still be tight including rent/mortgage, car payment/insurance, groceries, utilities, and phone/internet. Rent where I live is over 1000 for a single bedroom apartment now. 1500 for rent isn'...
I was somewhere and it was a completely self serve area that was kind of U shaped. You walked in one way and had to funnel around to the self checkouts to get out. There were employees standing there watching you check out and the machine immediately asked for a 20, 25 or 30% tip when I hit pay. ...
[quote]And it's certainly not a struggle if you're able to put away that much. It takes most people several years to achieve that. [/quote] You know what I mean on the struggle there though. I don't want to mess with the house money but I still want to spend like I am keeping it available. I d...
a. she's fine. b. she likes guns. c. I'd certainly be down for her. ETA. after surfing her Twitter, I like her even more now. there are a bunch of DM's that she posted from randoms that are pretty damn funny. And it does confirm that she is fine. [link=(https://x.com/Tiffany_Gomas)]h...
[quote]Thinking more about this and I'm interested. What exactly is your situation to not feel comfortable making 6 figures in LA? Are you able to max out your retirement? Do you come from a wealthy family so don't feel like you're living up? Are you one of those people with an $800+ car no...