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Registered on:4/15/2010
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[quote]We become an instrument of the Biden campaign? We turn ourselves into Xinhua News Agency or Pravda, and put out a stream of stuff that’s very, very favorable to them and only write negative stories about the other side?[/quote] Who's gonna tell him?...
Should make it a bonus for playing in the post season rather than part of the regular contract, then you can take it away from them if they are "injured". If they show up and play half assed? Well you're future employer is watching......
Winsome Sears is the best VP pick. She checks all the boxes. ...
Yes but we [i]are[/i] talking about in person ...
Jeff Demps for pure speed, Percy Harvin for quickness. That was in the stands. Played against Andre Caldwell when he was at Jefferson HS. I was LB and I'm pretty athletic but there were some times where he would leave me in mid air looking like Wile E Coyote....
It's more complex than that. Most people are unable to comprehend the deep state because they lack the critical thinking and awareness needed to see the big picture. Some like to caricaturize the concept in thier mind as [i]Dr. Claw sitting in his big chair with mad cat plotting over a globe[/i] and...
Quinnipiac is always wildly off in their polling. Not sure why anyone references them....
[quote]Communists fundamentally believe that government is bad.[/quote] [img]https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F015%2F652%2F230114_908223010.jpg[/img]...
You are an absolute fool if you believe CPI is only up 17% in the last 3 years. Your example of TVs being "less" is a perfect example of how the numbers are manipulated. Their costs are subsidized by big tech so they can feed you more ways to consume their content. Find me a 4k 55" smart TV for $280...
Go stand on a table in the cafeteria and shout the N word, we'll see how tolerant they are of "free speech"...

re: Holy shite Vivek

Posted by DemGaters on 12/7/23 at 6:30 am
Gotta hand it to him. He knew that notepad shot would make a great meme template. Dude is very social media aware and savvy....
Romm, Madeline. 2022. "A Climate of Terror? Climate Change as an Indirect Contributor to Terrorism." College Park, MD: START (May). https://www.start.umd.edu/pubs/Climate_Change_Terrorism_Rapid_Review_1_FINAL.pdf...
Hemingway house is 17 ft above sea level fwiw...

re: "Claiming without evidence"

Posted by DemGaters on 9/12/23 at 8:08 pm
I have not once heard this term, "without evidence", applied to the Biden administration despite the fire hose of bullshite they spew on a daily basis. Media wastes no time using it against Repubs, especially Trump. What do you really expect, but still pisses me off when I hear it....

Gas prices on the move

Posted by DemGaters on 7/28/23 at 6:54 am
If you believe gas prices are done with their most recent move, think again. Check out US gasoline fund ticker UGA, usually about a week lag with what we see at the pump. What's Brandon going to do now that the SPR is tapped? ...