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re: Moana 2 - Official Teaser Trailer

Posted by taylork37 on 5/30/24 at 6:05 am
[quote]My only worry is the same worry for all sequels, they lean too heavily on call back jokes (like they did with boat snacks in the trailer).[/quote] My exact thoughts as I watched it. :cheers:...
[quote]He was invited by a university to deliver a speech and he did. Sounds like he did the job they asked him to do, doesn't it?[/quote] Yep, and he is still a nut job....

re: Sugar - Apple+

Posted by taylork37 on 5/11/24 at 9:58 pm
Yeah, not sure how I feel about it. ...
From the same article: [quote] Based on our latest poll, 28% of all voters say they would engage in at least one kind of illegal voting practice in order to help their preferred candidate–[b]either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump—win the 2024 election.[/b] Examples of illega...
[quote]That certainly makes it better[/quote] Partially...yeah. Still a dumb look....
[quote]Has anyone ever seen an NBA player make that motion to a female fan? Not really nothing its a sign of mental illness[/quote] I would bet money it was aimed at the dude sitting next to the female. ...
It makes no sense to me how fans (possible wasted) are allowed to sit so close to the court and players. ...
[quote]Why? What would it prove?[/quote] That both sides are out of control....
[quote]I have a Bronco. What am I supposed to call it? It feels kinda gay to say "I gotta get something out of my Bronco[/quote] Your vehicle?...
[quote]Why do so many people refer to SUVs as "trucks?"[/quote] Based on your down vote/up vote ratio, a lot of people here call SUVs trucks. ...
[quote]The speeches are barely any different from the classic Klan Rally other than they just focus on Jews and they don't end it with a cross burning[/quote] You are no better than the idiots on the other side calling this a genocide. Self awareness and perspective is mostly gone in today's worl...

re: Top Chef - Kish vs Padma

Posted by taylork37 on 4/24/24 at 5:56 pm
[quote]But you're imagining the 'woke' part.[/quote] But she has short hair! /s I am not used to Kish yet but I can't say I have anything negative to say. I will say Padma brought a certain something to the show that cant be replicated....
Yes, to sum up the stupidity, he said evolution isnt real and because it was a theory wasnt credible, then switched shortly after to the argument that God created people distinctly...dudes a joke....
None of these will stop being produced if these chemicals are banned...they will just use alternatives then blame government overreach when they increase prices again for little to no reason....
[quote]OH IO!! Has to be one of the worst chants ever[/quote] As an alumni and fan, I absolutely agree. ...

re: Homemade Chicken Salad

Posted by taylork37 on 4/17/24 at 11:27 am
My go to recipe from [link=(https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/72985/feta-chicken-salad/)]allrecipes[/link]. My wife doesn't like Feta so I often make it without, but the version with Feta is also great. The red bell pepper and dill really make it standout. 3 cups diced cooked chicken 2 ...
[quote]It has to. The NBA has to pay and pay. The NBA would be crucified if it stoped paying for the WNBA[/quote] Thanks for all your hypotheticals in response to my argument surrounding a PRIVATE transaction. If the government was propping this up, you might have a point. ...
[quote]Why should these women be propped up when the money says otherwise? It’s a slap in the face and contrary to the American way of life- the strong survive and capitalism.[/quote] A private entity (NBA) choosing to do what it wants with its money, in this case funding the WNBA, is a slap i...

re: Another reason to hate Mark Cuban

Posted by taylork37 on 4/15/24 at 8:16 am
[quote]Deep down inside he is seething for he knows he was not able to escape that cost. To look great for the communazi's, he pops off about being happy about it. Over the past 10 years, how often has this libtard "bragged" about the joy paying millions of dollars in taxes brings him?[/quote] ...