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Registered on:1/7/2010
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re: Time to pull their weight!!

Posted by West Bank Dan on 6/2/24 at 3:25 pm
Some of these guys need to channel their inner Trey Hodges and eat up 4-6 innings of scoreless ball!...
Yes, the call was great, actually, and Doug had *just* asked for a Milam walkoff and then he nailed it - the wind had been blowing out so the second the ball hit the bat they had the right energy and excitement for it....
This is me when every work Zoom starts up - who’s that old fat grey balding guy… oh hell do I really look like that?!...
Agree, just need him to stop saying “velo” so much...

re: Props to the Cocks

Posted by West Bank Dan on 5/24/24 at 5:57 am
I called my mother in New Orleans after Kling’s catch and she answered “yes, I am watching the game!!” ha ha...

re: LSU 11 @ Kentucky 0 Final - F/8

Posted by West Bank Dan on 5/22/24 at 11:44 am
Yes, someone please tell Chris it is ok to show emotion, even if you at first miss the call “that did not look big off the bat but carried and may have been the biggest home run of the year!” I mean, he was like “oh, that’s a grand slam…”...

re: Dakorien Moore decommit

Posted by West Bank Dan on 5/17/24 at 3:11 pm
Yes, the pain of 5 for 5 and Patrick Surtain pretty much has me checked out of recruiting until the day after signing day. That being said, there was even the signee at Florida whose signed NLI was nullified when his NIL deal turned out to not be real - so now we fans have to worry about that too! ...
I believe that may have been the game where Urban Meyer said afterward “the stadium was so loud my pant legs were vibrating” ha ha...
The NCAA is still the authority, right? Just like the NFL can implement a salary cap and the players have unionized. I would not be surprised if compensation is pooled and players earn it per snap played over the course of the season. ...
Just remembered the “Skenes Cam” chasing him around in the dugout and locker room every 30 seconds during the 3rd game with “will he come in the game???!!” That was kinda awkward…...

re: Mondo does it again

Posted by West Bank Dan on 4/20/24 at 12:59 pm
That kid don’t play around…...
Sorry if this is going on a tangent but it has struck me as odd that world soccer is governed by FIFA that allows teams to “loan” players back and forth, often with option to “buy” the contract at the end of the loan. Not impossible for certain new rules to be created for LSU’s 4th string players t...
I agree - about mid-way thru 2nd quarter of FSU game I actually had the thought “we have the momentum and FSU isn’t anything spectacular. After all this hype it will disappoint everyone when we pull away and win 38-16”. Instead, FSU noticed we did not know how to cover a crossing route…...
There was a post on here during the Arkansas series that “these fans sure are weird” and I have to say, I DO admire the passion and fan support there but seeing those grown adults do this choreographed pig-suey cheer made me think I was watching a South Park episode. I am all for the players acting...

re: Genuine Question

Posted by West Bank Dan on 4/8/24 at 3:12 pm
Are sports entertaining? Will always be a “it depends” answer. I love college football but can’t sit through Miss State beating Vanderbilt 16-13. International soccer can be the most exciting thing ever or the most agonizingly boring experience. Women’s basketball has always been and likely ...
I agree that there should be some Fontenots and Theoriots on the team. People that stick with program, get good and play vital roles in years 2-3. I like Tommy Tanks as much as the next guy, love him in fact, but it struck me as odd that our best hitter and all three starting pitchers at the start...
HVL is a Tiger and clearly hustles, tries hard and seems to be a good teammate. The outsized animosity towards her is a little weird. Women’s basketball will always be a little clunky at times, beautiful at other times. Watched UConn last night and their guard anticipated her teammate moving th...
Not a controversy but I also take note of this victimization habit that seems a little childish. Anyone remember that last year some of the anti-Iowa trash talk was allegedly because Iowa “disrespected” the South Carolina outside shooters by not covering them. Our players claimed to be “defending ...
I live in Atlanta and my co-worker is a Michigan guy and he said “ Mulkey is a terrible person!” from her ripping her Covid mask off at the press conference and I was like, seriously? you care about hat crap? CKM has a weird effect on people - many in Texas dont like her from Baylor tenure. I a...
Agree completely. People don’t understand that class is a choice. It is how you act. It is not your name, your bank account or where you live. How about this throw-back to one year ago: our Lady Tigers were offended that Iowa did not guard the SC outside shooters and that was an insult to to the...