Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Houston, TX
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Registered on:12/4/2004
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So are we saying that the only way Ohio State loses is because someone cheated?...
[link=(https://www.reuters.com/technology/openai-plans-announce-google-search-competitor-monday-sources-say-2024-05-09/)]LINK[/link] Does askjeeves still work? [quote]May 9 (Reuters) - OpenAI plans to announce its artificial intelligence-powered search product on Monday, according to two sourc...
You guys are acting like we didn't try to buy Williams or Barrow, the offers from LSU's side were there and by all accounts competitive until they weren't enough....
He needs to get with the times...
I was thinking he was aiming for Benavidez in September, that would be a dynamite fight ...

re: Well done, Tigers

Posted by The Egg on 5/7/24 at 12:35 pm
This team's always been capable of staying with and slaying the top dogs. Then sundays happen....
Well frick Rip is gonna whip his arse now...
Rip watching this very closely...
SAM taking their entire program to the station...

Where does Sam fit on the Dutton line

Posted by The Egg on 5/5/24 at 2:02 pm
[img]https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yellowstone_0/images/f/f7/John_Dutton.jpg[/img] Surely he isn't a bastard like jamie...
Of xenophobia To say that about an ally like Japan is pretty stupid [embed]https://twitter.com/theblaze/status/1786064261338341663?t=mA2-t2uf7Dbrxz7KN2mSLw&s=19[/embed]...
I thought Montgomery had a connection close to CS, that's why he went there Think it was a former coach of his...
Mike gonna go broke being the sole breadwinner of that family...
This is propaganda, they'd struggle mightily in the ACC as well...
Why should a team that is a mere shell of last year's automatically qualify for this year's tournament...