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re: Dodgeball Is A Bully Sport

Posted by northshorebamaman on 5/20/24 at 12:09 am
[quote] I don't ever want to see it be played in person or school. If adults want to do it they can make their own choices.[/quote]I realize you're trolling but still... [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/jW1lN22JwKYAAAAC/woody-harrelson-im-sensing-youre-a-bit-of-a-bitch.gif[/img] ...
[quote]I know y’all know people were making way less then…[/quote]Sure, but you can check the current prices with an inflation calculator and prices are still significantly ahead of inflation. ...
[quote]Now, absolute trash and I think Jack in the Box is on par with them[/quote]I give Jack in the Box a pass for never pretending to be anything but trashy drunk food. Hell, they killed a bunch of people in the 90's and barely apologized. And the Sourdough Jack with two tacos is fast food at its ...
[quote]$.65 tacos at the bell too[/quote]I remember "69, 79, 89" depending on if you wanted cheese and/or sour cream. We were living the dream. [img]https://y.yarn.co/f23944e1-d1ef-4a3a-87f4-083614f0191a_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]used to love the #2[/quote]the GOAT combo meal...
[quote]That was the McDonald's menu when I was in high school so 1992-1996'ish. A quarter pounder meal was $3.23 with tax, or 13 quarters I scrounged together[/quote]I lived off the "2 for 2" ( two quarter pounders for $2) back then along with the 99 cent Whopper. ...
Depends on the place whether they "deserve" it or not. Some places use tipped servers to box everything. Having said that, that's an issue for the industry in general. As a customer you shouldn't be responsible for ensuring their workers are compensated appropriately or not and relying on tipped wor...
[quote] Fortunately for me growing up I had a grandfather that worked on arcade games pool tables and juke boxes for most of the area so we always had the big game consoles pinball machines pool tables & Rockola juke boxes slap full of records in our house[/quote]That basically parallels how I got ...
Started with a Vic 20. [img]https://i0.wp.com/www.commodore.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/commodore-VIC20-standard-kit.jpg?fit=300%2C250&ssl=1[/img] [img]https://sleepingelephant.com/denial/wiki/images/thumb/0/00/Second_paddles.jpg/300px-Second_paddles.jpg[/img]...
I do. I don't work a traditional schedule and my days off are during the week. I've kind of developed a complex about it as I've gotten older though. I hate buying beer for instance. Even though I know no one is really paying attention I feel like everyone at the store is thinking, "look at this une...
[quote]That means 100% processed and fake food is coming your way, no way they can use real food through the current supply chain and keep things at that price[/quote]We're talking McNuggets and McDonalds burgers here. What's left to process, the four pieces of onion?...
[quote]“We know how much it means to our customers when McDonald’s offers meaningful value and communicates it through national advertising,” [/quote]My first impulse when reading this statement was to laugh at McDonald's outsized perception of their own importance to the average consumer. However, ...
130 lbs in around 9 months through diet change, eliminating soda and booze, and walking, which gradually developed into ruck marching. Eventually I was doing over 100 miles a week, with pack, in hilly terrain and resistance training 5 days a week. But it all started with making myself get up and wal...
[quote]Legalize it, [b]tax the shite out of it[/b], have a very transparent chain of command of that tax revenue of which 100% goes directly into our school system. That's how you "protect the children", not by eliminating an industry. Other states will just get our money. These people voting to m...
[quote]Imagine getting married, giving up your freedom, giving up access to other women, only to end up in a sexless marriage where you're reduced to a pathetic loser paying girls on OnlyFans to get naked and pretend they like you.[/quote][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/64/de/9564deb1f7e84eb0...
[quote]Not everyone wants to look at the things you want to see.[/quote]You don't always get what you want. ...

re: Things a man should know

Posted by northshorebamaman on 5/10/24 at 12:17 am
[quote]11. The bicycle has gone, yet every young man should know how to ride one.[/quote]I love how the mentality in 1933 was apparently "We've conquered the bicycle. No need to deal with that shite anymore." :lol:...

re: Things a man should know

Posted by northshorebamaman on 5/9/24 at 11:16 pm
[quote]How to make a woman orgasm.[/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/jUwpNzg9IcyrK/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952c6lf1nfklg3y9v8q9w3zk2irb0yinikj900r4i60&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...