Favorite team:UNO 
Location:Down The Road
Occupation:Still trying to figure that out
Number of Posts:3781
Registered on:6/18/2009
Online Status:Not Online

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In this case Congress declaration[quote]Depends on what they define as war. A war where Congress declared us at war with another nation? Or our favorite military intervention that doesn’t require congressional approval? I think the latter could be a workaround but not sure. We haven’t officially dec...
[quote]The only caveat is that he would have had to served during wartime.[/quote] Since 1964 Only 1976 to 1989 hasn't been war time. We are always in some kind of war....
[quote]Benefits yeah, but not a paycheck unless he retired military which doesn't seem to be the case[/quote] There is a Veterans disability pension that you can get with an honorable discharge even if you didn't retire. At 65 I think you automatically qualify as disabled. Not a well known or pub...
Data centers use a massive amount of power and when they build far off the grid they have to foot the bill for infrastructure to get said power there. In that case it was probably just cheaper to buy said subdivision. QTS is building another huge data center in Ashburn Va. They spent millions on lan...

re: The Axeman of New Orleans

Posted by Guess on 5/18/24 at 7:51 pm
He may have gotten a name wrong but that doesn't rule out mafia ties The mob was around NO long before Carlo Marcello. Charles Matranga was boss around that time....
Like you said hardly any locals left mostly a transient population down there now....
And from my understand the traffic is bad all the way to Port Sulpur with that new LNG plant....
That sounds pretty bad, but not sure if exactly true. Can't they buy personal things out of commissary?...

re: NIL about to put in stipulations

Posted by Guess on 5/8/24 at 6:24 pm
[quote]Seems you shouldn't be allowed to negotiate NIL deals prior to signing somewhere. Once there, then you can figure out how to make your money from autographs or advertising etc.[/quote] Technically that's how it's supposed to work. NIL was never meant to be used as an inducement to go to a ...

re: NIL about to put in stipulations

Posted by Guess on 5/8/24 at 6:04 pm
Something really needs to be done. The combination of NIL and Transfer Portal are just unchecked free agency. I mean even the so called Professionals have contracts that they have to adhere to if they want to play and get paid. The situation is becoming untenable real fast. ...
1545 within 5 mins. She was induced and ended up needing a C section after about 15 hours. Now that is an experience. You sit there and talk to her on one side of the screen while her midsection is cut open on the other side....

re: Ancient civilizations. Y or N?

Posted by Guess on 5/7/24 at 3:52 pm
Atlantis never existed, but things like the pyramids and the great wall were monumental feats that wouldn't be that easy to duplicate today. If there was technology similar to ours 10,000 years ago, there would be evidence everywhere. So yes we underestimate what past civilizations where capable of,...
we called them mishpilish in lower plaquemines....

re: Iranian attack against Israel has begun

Posted by Guess on 4/14/24 at 12:00 pm
[quote]They know US can NOT afford to aid Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan[/quote] US doctrine states we have to be able to fight 2 major peer adversaries on two fronts. We're the only country that can so that. That's why we spend more on defense than like the 10 next nations combined. I'm not saying ...

re: Solar Eclipse Gamethread

Posted by Guess on 4/9/24 at 12:10 am
This is what fricked me up after months of PT. We were in the 86% zone and it wasn't worth it....

re: I'm usually happy go lucky

Posted by Guess on 4/9/24 at 12:00 am
I'm in DC(suburbs) for the time being. As much as everyone hates on it. I will be back home in NOLA at some point....

re: I'm usually happy go lucky

Posted by Guess on 4/8/24 at 11:49 pm
?? I'm still a decade at least from AARP, just suffered a bad injury in my early 40's. Thanks for the the prayers. ...
USL,,,aka southwest louisiana, but I never really got that since they are really a little more east also....

re: I'm usually happy go lucky

Posted by Guess on 4/8/24 at 11:21 pm
[quote] if you can’t walk still call 911 - is anyone home with you to help You?[/quote] I have a walker from the previous situation. I can still hobble around home, but not any further....