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re: Trump Jr on with Tucker

Posted by AUauditor on 6/1/24 at 8:51 am
As much as I cannot stand Hillary, she would have done less damage to the country than both Obama and the people controlling Biden. While she was power hungry to the nth degree, she and Bill were actually liberals…not complete leftist nuts. ...
[quote]Immigration policy is an executive function[/quote] It is not "immigration policy" that is the problem; it is the lack of enforcing laws that were passed by Congress....
[quote]But don't kid yourself into thinking that everyone in California is a Leftist loon.[/quote] I was in Orange County and Tulare County last week with work. In the Orange County facility, the management team consists a Wisconsin transplant, a Georgia transplant, and two people of Mexican dece...
[quote]I'm not sure what "gotcha" Jordan could attempt to get him on.[/quote] Some possibilities... -Is it etchical for a lawyer to compaign to go after a person and then find a crime to charge him/her with? -What makes this different from the Soviet Union quote of [link=(https://en.wikiped...
...a California teacher...what are the odds that he fully supports these policies until they come back and bite him in the butt....
[quote]Wouldn’t it be a win win for everyone to legalize it?[/quote] That is all we need...to legalize the ability of the dumb and lazy to become even more so while they suck off the teat of the American taxpayer. If we can alter the system to allow those with bad habits (e.g., overeating, smo...

re: Biden's Committment to a Debate

Posted by AUauditor on 5/30/24 at 9:11 am
[quote]This has been the general thought for many months now. Welcome to the party.[/quote] Considering the debate was not accepted until May 15, I do not think you are correct. I agree that was the thought about the reason he would NOT debate, but this would explain why he "accepted" the deb...

re: Biden's Committment to a Debate

Posted by AUauditor on 5/30/24 at 7:09 am
[quote]You guys just refuse to believe that the guy who is 1-0 in elections where he debates Trump actually intends to debate Trump[/quote][b]...is four years deeper into dementia[/b]. ...
[quote]This jury has been bought and paid for. The dems are choreographing this.[/quote] It is clear the entire thing has been "choreographed"; however, I believe it is delusional to think that the "jury has been bought and paid for." While it is very possible that a juror or two could be paid, t...

Biden's Committment to a Debate

Posted by AUauditor on 5/30/24 at 6:54 am
I will be shocked if the Biden handlers are not waiting on Trump's guilty verdict, so they can immediately roll Biden out in front of the cameras for him to say that he was excited to debate trump but will not do it, He will then read that he will not lower himself or the office to debate a convicte...
In this case, I do not know much about this shooter. But, generally speaking, most of these nut cases who kill are the result of either mentally issues from birth or shitty or non-existent parents or a combination of the two....
[quote]If Trump is [b][i]prosecuted[/i][/b] people will lose their shite[/quote] [b]IF[/b] Trump is "prosecuted"...do you know what that word means? He [b]IS[/b] being "prosecuted," and people ARE pissed but they have not lost their "shift." If "found" guilty and there is an attempt to put him ...
[quote]I don’t know anyone who died from covid or the covid vaccine.[/quote] I don't personally know anyone who died from the vaccine, but I know many who died from COVID. Most of them were old, fat, had preexisting condition, or a combination of the three. THIS is why I wish I did not get sho...
[quote]I guess Elon Musk really is a retard.[/quote] Elon is not mandating; he is developing. There is nothing wrong with capitalism develop the next and greatest, but it is up to the consumer to decide if he/she wants the product - not the government telling him what he is to develop and wha...
[b]Japan's Toyota shows 'an engine born' with green fuel despite global push for battery electric cars[/b] [link=(https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/japan-s-toyota-shows-an-engine-born-with-green-fuel-despite-global-push-for-battery-electric-cars/ar-BB1nbu1h?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=U531&cvid=58628b7...

re: Greatest Liar Of All Time (GLOAT)

Posted by AUauditor on 5/28/24 at 1:34 pm
[quote]Who would employ a scumbag like Cohen doing scumbag things for 10 years?[/quote] Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton if they could have afforded him....

re: Shout out to my purebloods

Posted by AUauditor on 5/28/24 at 12:54 pm
You people who keep posting this crap are dumb @sses....almost as much so as me who was an idiot and regretably took the shot (one and two). The only thing you prove by these type posts is that this time you believed the right conspiracy theory and that your parents are/were blood related. ...

re: Will Joe Eventually Pardon Hunter?

Posted by AUauditor on 5/28/24 at 12:49 pm
[quote]There is a theory that they could let him pardon Hunter & then publicly use that as one of the reasons to replace him with Gavin, Michelle, or Stretchin Gretchen.[/quote] That's what I expected and claimed on here over a year ago...but, with each passing day, I am being proven wrong. I ...
[quote]Please weigh in on a debate. I say it does and the searches seem to support that. Especially since all confederate soldiers were granted a full pardon by president Jackson. So OTHERS say it doesn’t include confederates and originated with a black gathering in 1868 in Charleston to remember...