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[quote]I was honestly expecting the Bee.[/quote] This...
[quote]"There’s plenty of room to highlight and celebrate Caitlin Clark’s popularity while also discussing ways in which to not erase Black women from a league that they have built and continue to build," Hill said.[/quote] Imagine if this was said about Michael Jordan. "There’s plenty of room ...
[quote]I don’t understand the Herb is untouchable talk[/quote] Agree. We have one player that’s untouchable. Zion. ...
[quote]Maybe there was also a black cop involved, but the Gillis from the police report is a white guy.[/quote] Very interesting. The audio played this morning on pga SiriusXm clearly sounded like a black guy yelling “this guy is going to jail”. He sounded like the one making the arrest. ...
[quote]quote: Cop was black.[/quote] [quote]Was he for sure?[/quote] The audio that Darlington recorded of the incident surely sounded like a black cop. Just saying. ...
[quote]At least he wasn’t black.[/quote] What color is the officer?...
[quote]Apparently you haven't seen pics of the cop[/quote] Protected class ...
[quote]Scottie's statement.[/quote] Sounds like a felon. Can’t wait to hear the cop’s statement. ...
[quote]Well he is gonna have to find a new line of work soon b/c he's fricked[/quote] He should be fricked. But he’s probably protected ...
[quote]Do you think the PGA should just ignore a felony charge?[/quote] This felony charge? Yes they should just ignore it. 100%...
[quote]They reported that the Mayor has now gotten involved. This cop is fricked and rightfully so[/quote] Not so sure. Unfortunately we probably need to know what the mayor looks like first. ...
[quote]these silly announcers keep trying to make it out like a big deal,[/quote] I think the big deal is how this shines a light on the fact we have some really dumbasses in law enforcement. ...
[quote]This cop is going to get treated like this from now on for being such a dumbass. I'd say he'll get demoted to traffic[/quote] He won’t get demoted. Think DEI ...
[quote]Not that it matters, but did he even know? It was 5am and dark[/quote] I think it does matter. There is no way he could’ve known exactly why traffic was stopped. He just knows he has special access and was trying to get around the traffic so he can get to the clubhouse on time. ...
[quote]none of us have seen video of the confrontation.. [/quote] The ESPN reporter played audio of the interaction. The cop was the one escalating the situation. ...
[quote]this if a cop jumps on my car this morning it will take a few feet to process [/quote] Especially if you’re not even sure he’s a police officer ...
[quote]Really odd I'm not seeing anybody saying he should've complied.[/quote] He did. He stopped his car. He got out of the vehicle when the officer told him to. He allowed the officer to push him against the vehicle and cuff him. No reports of Scottie trying to fight the officer. Or run away. ...
[quote]I mean, if you just want to ignore the fact that a pedestrian was just killed and this dude wants to ignore what they are telling him.[/quote] No one in traffic knew what had happened. Golfers were told they can still get in. They have special markings on their vehicles to give them access...
[quote]Yeah this sounds like overzealous cop[/quote] To me it sounds like a really dumb cop. ...
[quote]Basically, fat cop tried to run him down to tell him to stop and was winded after running 10 yards[/quote] Any pictures, video or description of the officer? I heard the audio but don’t wanna be banned. ...