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Biography:LSU alum
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Registered on:8/21/2008
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Obama laid the foundation for all this shite though. Joe is just doing what he’s told to do so he can get his ice cream...
Also, keeping in mind all the hoopla that was given to the fact that all jurors had addict family members. While this was pointed out as an advantage for Hunter due to them having empathy with his addiction, as family members of addicts, most of them know through experience that addicts need to exp...
[quote]As opposed to the man grabbing women by the p.. and sleeping with porn queens while their wife is at home with their newborn.. Hope that stone did not break your glass house. [/quote] My house is fine. I have to wonder about you though if you think a guy talking locker room talk with ano...
Any person who votes for a man that took showers with his daughter when she was between the ages of 12 and 15 over a guy that mean tweets cannot be reasoned with....
I saw that. That bitch is hideous AF without makeup....
Thanks for posting that. Only part I don’t like is the no retribution. I want there to be retribution. I think there has to be. What have we learned from the progressives? Criminal behaviors escalate and compound when there are no consequences....
This country’s greatness is in large part due to immigrants. Those immigrants came here with a willingness to work hard and take advantage of opportunity. The immigrants today are as DJT says not their best and brightest. They are foreign dindu muffins. I don’t feel sorry for the folks in New Yo...
All the attention given to Biden’s obvious physical and mental shortcomings is allowing the Dems to avoid negative press to the myriad of policies that are disastrous to our America. They will switch his liver spotted old arse out at the last minute and then claim the problem is solved and that voti...
[quote]E N A B L E R [/quote] She is much worse than that. Enablers think they are helping but are not cognizant of the fact that their actions are really deleterious to the person who needs help. What she would be is C O M P L I C I T...
It shouldn’t matter if they replace him or not. Anybody that votes for any Democrat in this race is an idiot. A vote for Biden is a vote for a brain dead cadaver. A vote for his potential replacement would be a vote for the candidate of the party that lied and misrepresented the true situation to...
When one parent is sexually abusing a child, the other parent is in 1 of 3 positions. They either 1) don’t know about it 2) know about it and don’t do anything or 3) they take action when they find out about it. Considering the apparent genuineness of the diary’s revelations, what does that say? ...
When they evict groups after 30 days, those groups will increase their predatory criminal activity. New York is a shite hole and that shite hole is getting deeper....
[quote]The age I have seen over and over is between 11 or 12 years old.[/quote] If that is the case, that fricker is a pedophile....
The reason I think it matters is because it could definitely delineate between it being weird and stupid or pedophilia. If it was when she was like 3 and dumbass did it because he wanted to take a shower and had nobody to watch her and stupidly thought she was too young to be cognizant of the situa...

Question about Ashley’s diary

Posted by sonuvapitcher on 6/4/24 at 2:10 pm
My question is: has there been any statement or estimation as to how old Ashley was when Joe took those inappropriate showers with her? Ashley seemed to speculate that they were inappropriate, but when a child is sexually abused, they often question the circumstances of the abuse because they don’t...
[quote]Warrior Court[/quote] [quote]I showered with my parents when I was a child[/quote] That actually explains a lot about you...
White supremacy is the scourge of this country and must be stopped....
Trump can declassify it after the election. Then put it out for all to see. Then when libtards start their civil disobedience to protest his election, they can be smacked down quickly and thoroughly....
[img]https://i.gifer.com/origin/0e/0e2fe86e340bae0e92923d046592837d_w200.gif[/img] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtKWXzgVa0y_7aCQ3t8tGB9auyRsJTw8FFBg&usqp=CAU[/img]...