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re: Better Call Saul.

Posted by LasVegasTiger on 6/10/24 at 10:56 pm
Two pages and no J + K = S yet? You idiots are slacking and can't see all the clues right in your face. Just look at the shadow and cigarettes. Cmon....
I don't need a movie to tell me 81 million people didn't actually vote for that assclown...
[quote]I know you have difficulty grasping concepts, even simple ones, but he did try just this. On January 6th.[/quote] So all the MAGA White Supremacist with guns decided to overthrow the government and keep Trump in office but they all decided to leave their guns at home that day and just w...

re: Six Feet Under

Posted by LasVegasTiger on 5/28/24 at 10:41 am
[quote]I have heard for years it's the best finale of all time so I wanted to give it a go. I got about 2.5 seasons in and just kinda quit, that was a few months ago and haven't picked it back up[/quote] I probably did this 2 times before, then finally something clicked and I watched the entire s...
[quote]-Slim Charles is my favorite peripheral character[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/mmXTzaSUuGoAAAAM/string-the.gif[/img] Agreed. I would put Bodie up at the top as well. Although I guess Bodie was more of a main role? Two true gangsters though....

re: Mike Piazza movie idea

Posted by LasVegasTiger on 5/24/24 at 7:16 am
[img]https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/private/t_16x9/t_w1024/mlb/em9rbeiuuyxmoxxhl6ao[/img] Hopefully it starts with him taking cuts on the beach in uniform. [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jNwtH2rRoOw/maxresdefault.jpg[/img]...
I watched 4 tonight. I laughed alot. The wops Bikini car wash ad and that drawing...I'm not good at faces. I can make him more Jewish. The manager guy is funny. I can name the race of anyone by their car. "Arnold, Chrysler 300..no don't do it, shoot he will really say it " hahaha...
[quote]I emailed the office asking them to confirm my lease expiration date nearly 2 months ago...[/quote] So you didn't give them 60 day notice....
[quote]I remember the good old days when your teacher’s personal life was never brought up and we didn’t give a crap to know[/quote] For real. I remember growing up if you ever saw your teacher outside of school it felt like a sasquatch sighting....

re: Elon Musk is a grifter

Posted by LasVegasTiger on 5/21/24 at 4:02 pm
The thing in yellow is exactly what I was picturing would be doing this. Is it 24 or 65 years old? ...
The "frick Joe Biden" in what sounds like a Chinese accent makes this even better....
[quote]No offense, Livvy, but Paige is a cut above.[/quote] Based on that picture : Livvy >>>>> Paige...
[quote]My hotel is a mile a way with easy walking distance[/quote] Unless it is in the cluster of Hiltons or Marriott on the stadium side of I15, I would just take an Uber. If you are on the other side of I15 the walk might say a mile but it will suck. Also it will be balls hot....

re: The Iron Claw

Posted by LasVegasTiger on 5/19/24 at 10:13 pm
I enjoyed it but good lord Ric Flair was terribly miscast and horribly acted. That promo was so bad....

re: Snake Eyes (Nicholas Cage)

Posted by LasVegasTiger on 5/16/24 at 9:24 am
Cage over the top acting when walking into and during the boxing match is cinematic gold. Assuming he was coked up during filming haha [img]https://i0.wp.com/bamfstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/SnakeEyes-BG-Gif2.gif?ssl=1[/img]...
[quote]I read a book about the Comanches "Empire of the Summer Moon[/quote] Fascinating book. Highly recommend....
[quote] No. It's a downer and barely funny. It's a pretty poor excuse for a dark comedy.[/quote] Yeah, I had to force myself to finish it. I did laugh though when he was doing comedy bits in that suit and would use that noise maker and start hip thrusting. Some reason I found that funny. The...