Favorite team:LSU 
Location:baton rouge
Number of Posts:2763
Registered on:3/14/2008
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I ask them if it's #1...or #2. Then decide after they answer. ...
They're not a waste of time, but I definitely appreciate the correspondence chain that a phone call cannot provide. ...
The best division in football has two rookie QB's and Jordan Love? No, man....
[quote]“downtown St. George’ [/quote] [quote]Where is this? [/quote] Harveston...
[quote]taxes[/quote] I hope we build a wall....

re: Swollen Abs

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 4/25/24 at 3:46 pm
[quote]just seems like a waste of time.[/quote] I'm leaning that way as well. It's just been part of my routine for so long that I've never really thought about the fact that I'm using my core in nearly every other workout. Just been something I've always done, but certainly going to cut back on ...

Swollen Abs

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 4/25/24 at 10:55 am
Anyone get a dissented stomach from working out their abs? Or over-working them? I heard many years ago that you can't overwork them, so I've just always incorporated my abs into every workout (5 - 6 times a week)...and train them pretty intensely. I'm wondering if I'm getting some weird adverse...
When do we start the “Do you think you could take Kayla Harrison” threads?...

re: Regardless of their sport....

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 4/12/24 at 2:36 pm
Top 20? Sounds like some participation award list. ...
[quote]If you consider yourself a woman and you want to play sports or [b]vice versa[/b][/quote] Televise this, and it all ends quickly. ...

re: Anyone take benzodiazepines?

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 4/5/24 at 2:02 pm
[quote]Why what's the difference?[/quote] There's no difference. If they can get you hooked, they'll all make their money. To the OP, don't mess with Benzos if you're not prescribed for something short term. I was taking 2mg of Klonopin for nearly 15 years (as prescribed for sleep)...ironicall...
Go get VanSlooten & Gray from Oregon and Georgia Amoore....
[quote]Michael Rubin[/quote] [img]https://people.com/thmb/Fx1AyOVImG0nbgj_WOsxV9zIrvs=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(999x0:1001x2)/michael-rubin-party-0502755ee5894303aa4453b63f369144.jpg[/img] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/BpnkuY1i2rBpm/200w.gif?cid=6c0...
Meee too, buddy. :lol: Thank God I go down Starring Ln to get home. Essen traffic blows. But over here you have Spectrum, which is pretty nice. If you're into group fitness, they also have an Iron Tribe on Perkins. By the time you hit a workout after work, traffic should have died down a bit....
Perkins and what? [quote]Commute is not a concern[/quote] I have a feeling you'll change your mind once you're here for a few weeks. Perkins and every intersecting road sucks....

re: Reese has declared

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 4/3/24 at 12:40 pm
Reese and Clark have done more for women's sports than any other female I can remember. Interested to see if the WNBA viewership ratings increase with the additions of these two. I think it will for maybe two years. They both went to small town schools, and could pack an arena. These girls are no...
[quote]My doctor says it's not needed even though my total test is in the low to mid 300s because I don't have symptoms of low testosterone[/quote] Then don't get on it. Sounds like a lot of people are worried about the number associated with it. If you feel good, and don't have any symptoms, don...
[quote]Clark is a ratings darling and they will do everything in they can to make sure she moves on[/quote] People love to hate LSU wbb. They play like the villain, and they seem to enjoy playing that role - they're good at it. People likely tune in just to cheer against them. You think LSU/ ...

Weight/ Fitness Scale

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 3/28/24 at 10:02 am
Y'all have any recommendations? Really just looking for a consistent scale to track weight, but open to options for body compositions/ fitness tracking. ...
I'm taking Charleston (+9.5) today against Bama. I think the Croatian, Ante Brzovic gives the exposed SEC fits. I'll also be hitting the ML at +360....