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Location:Home of the Fake Sig lines
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Registered on:2/22/2008
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re: Been gone a while

Posted by LCA131 on 6/12/24 at 8:21 pm
[quote]I'm more of an observer than a [b]participator[/b]. [/quote] Let's go with participant here, k? Now, back to your quilting bee....
[quote]have connections to one of the girls and am not surprised [b]sadly[/b] she’s in jail[/quote] Why did you place, "sadly", in the sentence at that spot? Really poor structure. Now, what was this all about?...

re: Caption this.

Posted by LCA131 on 6/11/24 at 2:12 pm
" I never listened to this kind of music when I was driving an 18-wheeler, after growing up in a Puerto Rican neighborhood!"...

re: GMT

Posted by LCA131 on 6/11/24 at 8:38 am
Good morning Kcrad, T nurse, lith and others on page 3. Hope all are doing well....
She's got 12 toes... That's more than normal by.... Well, more than normal. She also looks vaxxed....

re: People with “Punchable Faces”

Posted by LCA131 on 6/3/24 at 2:14 pm
[quote]Is something wrong with me? [/quote] [quote]ChenierauTigre[/quote] Yes, many things. You ever hear from our mutual friend, CC?...
I don't know how fast he is, but Gaston's kid kicked a field goal about a quarter of a mile......
[quote]Wouldn't be wonderful if these two groups actually beat the [i]shite[/i] out of one another.[/quote] Life. You mean life.......
[quote]The average person commits 3 felonies per day. [/quote] FINALLY!!! A measurement that proves I'm above average!!!...
[quote]whatiknowsofar[/quote] Even though we have both been posting here for quite some time, I really have no recall of any interaction with you, and so I really don't know if we agree on a lot. I would like to ask you a pretty simple and straightforward question, do you think this trial, or any...
[quote]Did anyone run against him in 2020, or are you referring to 2016 or 2024?[/quote] I'll guess he meant 2024... He got going like John Belushi in 'Animal House'...
[quote]Raphy G 223[/quote] wb DPH...
[quote]What is worse is when the DOJ, CIA do defraud the voting public by hiding Hunters laptop[/quote] But, but, but 51 authorities in the spook (spy kind) business thought it was fake!!! It can't be real and they can't be bought!...
[quote]just make it like gumbo, but much less water[/quote] With a scoop of egg salad on the top, with rice? Like you served me? :casty: No lunch yet. Drinking some beers tho...
I think not. twoof would pass it to his buddy who doesn't seem to know how to behave. 0...
[quote]We are all friends, right?[/quote] Maybe I'll b/channel a pic to DPH and he can fwd it to you ...
[quote]Pics[/quote] It's ok to post them here, right? Especially if everyone promises to not R click?...
[quote]must b: vv pretty, vv smart, 21-25 yo, conservative, vv sweet & nice, not crazy[/quote] Leave my twin daughters out of this....
There is a LOT incorrect about your life... Inadequate showering is just one of them. ...
[quote]I am extremely happy that my children gave my grandchildren traditional and not travel ball name[/quote] Hey to Ralph, Sam, David, Fred, Bob, Jenny, Molly, Ann, Catherine.... The whole group of you'ins!...