Favorite team:LA-Monroe 
Location:RayVegas LA
Number of Posts:37867
Registered on:2/12/2008
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[quote]DK if I'd even realize it were pride month if it weren't for folks complaining about it here.[/quote] Then you're a fricking idiot....
[quote]So, why did they fail to maintain a team in Funroe?[/quote] I don't know why the Moccasins failed, Maybe it was just a bad business model. But I don't believe it was from lack of support. It was a pretty big hit, and packed every time I went. ...
Riverfield. We play a lot of Mississippi teams, including Prep every year.....
We've played him twice a year for past 3 years. He's the most fluid, freakish amateur baseball player I have ever seen. However, we K'd him twice this year :pimp: ...

re: What did the Romans use it for?

Posted by LSUballs on 6/3/24 at 11:27 am
That's a dickfer ...

re: Nate Bargatze

Posted by LSUballs on 6/3/24 at 10:27 am
[img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNnVoMnA4NTMxZnZ1eHdteTBpbXBpbDl5anJtOTZhdTd2a2RlMmEwZCZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/26DMTEijJDudzovvO/200.webp width=400[/img]...

re: Things to do in Omaha

Posted by LSUballs on 6/3/24 at 9:12 am
Make fun of the University of Arkansas ...
46. 6'-6". 18pts, 20 rebs, 11 blocks. Shred a hammy in 3rd-4th game....

re: Save some runs and hits for UNC

Posted by LSUballs on 6/2/24 at 2:07 pm
So go up there and strikeout. Sounds like a good plan...
[quote]Dogs are supposed to bring joy, not cause harm like that. It's infuriating to hear that the dog owner just walked off, leaving the victim severely injured and in need of facial surgery.[/quote] What a thoughtful post. Shame it took you a year to come up with it. ...
Yea we gtf outta there. Drove 3.5 hrs to get drunk in the dark in Sabine parish. Got up and went home lol...
Yes. Storm knocked out our power about 8pm last night. Another round was on the way and he cancelled ...
The guide we were going with today, but canceled this morning, was out there with the guide that boat got overturned. He said he barely made it to shore before his pontoon flipped. It wasn't a case of not watching the weather apps. Storm pop up outta nowhere and caught everybody on the lake by surpr...

re: Baked potato question

Posted by LSUballs on 5/30/24 at 6:19 am
I baked 10lbs of potatoes, 17 russets, in the oven last night. 425 deg and they were done in a little over an hour. It's my opinion that once it gets up to temp, the oven, which is controlled by a thermostat, doesn't know the difference in one potato and 17 potatoes. ...