Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:339
Registered on:12/17/2023
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Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to stay far away...

re: Snap back to reality

Posted by Saul_Goodman on 5/23/24 at 6:19 pm
[quote]Snap back to reality[/quote][quote]Oh there goes gravity! [/quote][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/5pMGZHSqfvGT5mnTwx/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952r8h9e9xebjs25gu23wj74jm5p1p910ojjsj5e304&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...

re: Bikini season is here!

Posted by Saul_Goodman on 4/3/24 at 1:39 pm
[quote]PoopStainsx1 [/quote]Poor pic selection...
Pretty limited options for me...USMNT, USWNT, Argentina MNT, China WNT...
[quote]Is the baseball team wearing yellow jerseys today? [/quote]Would certainly be an interesting play, considering they've never worn [b]yellow[/b] jerseys before......

re: GMT

Posted by Saul_Goodman on 2/11/24 at 9:34 am
I recently learned that Cajun Ninja is around like 6'4" or something like that. Pair that with the black belt, easy pick....
Finally a dark mode :bow: :bow: :bow:...

re: Good mile time for a kid

Posted by Saul_Goodman on 2/9/24 at 5:24 pm
[quote]My kid who just turned 9 ran a 7:29 mile tonight[/quote] :cool:...
So frustrating to dominate the entire half and give up a goal on some shite like that. :banghead:...
[quote]I like Havertz in that role [/quote]Same here. Would love to have seen him bang that one home though. ...

re: Are F1 drivers athletes?

Posted by Saul_Goodman on 2/3/24 at 2:47 pm
Those guys have some pretty crazy core, upper body, and neck strength. They sweat about a half gallon or so each race because of the heat coming from the car and track. The training is pretty intense. I'd think they should be categorized as athletes....

re: Lions unis

Posted by Saul_Goodman on 1/28/24 at 6:34 pm
I strongly disagree...

re: Sunday Supper - WFDT

Posted by Saul_Goodman on 1/28/24 at 6:34 pm
Made some venison hamburger steaks with mashed potatoes. ...
I did for a little bit, but got tired of it always shutting off or saying things in the middle of the night...
[quote]Wurst Biergarten in Lafayette finally closes[/quote]Yep, finally almost 4 months ago...
[quote]Kids student loans now the little guy never graduated and spends most of his time at Harrahs casino [/quote]Tell your bum arse son to pay his own loans?...