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Registered on:11/4/2023
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Were you able to get his jizz stains out of the tux post wedding?...
If that’s anywhere near the dam, that water is cold AF year round....
Facebook page is blowing up…pre-internet some kid would have hit the gold....

Saab automobiles

Posted by Wildcat98USA on 5/21/24 at 10:09 am
Growing up I always figured my friend’s parents that owned one were well off…almost a BMW level. Then they vanished. Were they shite? I guess Volvo USA is sort of on that path…...
[quote]Wife says her co-workers refer to me as the "hot husband".[/quote] Jesus Christ....
[quote]Damn, Kate has been in the gym[/quote] The whale read the O-T, also lots of ozempic...
I’m hitting up that untapped 6.8% on Grindr. Fish in a barrel. ...
That Craig James didn’t kill the hookers. I did....

re: Worst cities to live

Posted by Wildcat98USA on 5/6/24 at 8:04 pm
Something wrong on this list if Gary, IN isn’t included....
[quote]Time to fire up the peptide thread again.[/quote] Hit up my handle for 40% on evolution peptides...
I’m about there. How’d it turn out for you?...
I was blown away…I guess I don’t get out much. 1. There were a few after prom groups there. 60% already had visible tattoos already. 2. We already know about the scooters, but good lord. They charge $50 and those bastards sell out. 3. All you drink soda / coke was disgustingly popular....
How much effort are you putting into opening a closed pistachio? 1. None, straight to the discarded shells 2. I will risk the future of my fingernails / teeth for it. 3. Use a tool to open it. 4. Toss it back in the bag, let someone else f with it. [img]https://preview.redd.it/odd3avkxl...
Pick up the pace a bit? Do you add a quick wave? If not, I hate you....

re: TulaneLSU

Posted by Wildcat98USA on 4/21/24 at 6:41 pm
Alive and well…he just served me last week at The Cheesecake Factory at Lakeside Shopping Center. He recommended a bunch of shite that wasn’t even on their giant menu....

re: Most Underrated sports logos

Posted by Wildcat98USA on 4/21/24 at 8:03 am
If you’re this guy…same age… [img]https://s.hdnux.com/photos/53/66/55/11496266/4/1200x0.jpg[/img] Go easy on yourself. You’ve done more in your life than almost of all us....
[quote]I didn’t get a cell phone until 1993.[/quote] That was a hell of a lot earlier than most people....
For me, it’s catching an opposing team’s HR and chucking it back on the field. ...