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re: Official CryptoTalk Thread

Posted by Art Blakey on 5/21/24 at 7:14 am
Anyone have thoughts on how lack of staking in the eth etf will affect demand?...
[quote]How did we get here? Trump loves him some tariffs, and Biden has followed suit. Why has protectionism gotten so stylish and Adam Smith so passé? It will be to the detriment of all in the long run, but as economists say… in the long run we’ll all be dead. [/quote] https://imgur.com/a/Li...
[quote]I know there was zero (or near zero) monetary elbow room in 2020 when they needed to stimulate the economy. That's why they did direct payments. But to summarize your lengthy post - you are suggesting that we are contributing to specific economic policies and will continue to blur the line...
[quote]Just getting a jump on tomorrow's most repeated economic headline. [/quote] https://x.com/financialjuice/status/1790385523669770692 About an hour ago^...
https://x.com/DeItaone/status/1790025915843416257 Fiscal https://x.com/financialjuice/status/1790383760061468920 Dominance https://x.com/LukeGromen/status/1790410258935914763 perfect...
[quote]If they exclude food, housing, energy, and taxes it could be a low number.[/quote] And coffee...
[quote]I’ll be 34 in two months. 140k in my 401k is basically all the retirement money I have. No other accounts other than what my wife has. I see projections right now of BTC at $4M+ per coin by 2050. So my thinking is right my 401k looks to be worth between 1.5M-2.0M by my earliest retirement ...
[quote]So I've always wondered what people do with 10s of millions of dollars+ of cash, but dang what does a company like Berkshire do with so much cash on hand?? Is there insurance the purchase to protect them like the FDIC does we pions of the world? AAPL has struggled to break thru 200, so I g...
[quote]The bond market has changed dramatically in the last few years with the amount of debt we have now. It is experiencing historical draw downs that we have not seen before. Bond prices are trading at 2013 levels You are only 45, stay in the S&P 500 (even though only 10 of the companies...
[quote]These are the minds behind MMT. We have to stop this shite.[/quote] If you own gold, btc, R/E or cash flow positive equity MMT is your friend. The melt up in hard assets unleashed by it will melt faces. But so will all the fires in major cities lit by folks that don't own hard assets, lol....

re: 2 year inverted yield curve

Posted by Art Blakey on 4/25/24 at 12:22 pm
https://x.com/sorenthek/status/1783544945829113909?s=46&t=DTQdMYaUCL9U0N4czgrNYw Fiscal dominance in mariner form. ...

re: 2 year inverted yield curve

Posted by Art Blakey on 4/25/24 at 11:28 am
https://x.com/lukegromen/status/1783510224642474369?s=46&t=DTQdMYaUCL9U0N4czgrNYw Fantastic meme thread of the current situation. ...

re: 2 year inverted yield curve

Posted by Art Blakey on 4/25/24 at 9:01 am
[quote]Usually recession follows the inversion. The Following recession usually comes within months. We’re 2 years in now and no recession. I’ve never seen anything like this. How long can this go?[/quote] We haven't been in fiscal dominance since the 40s. ...
[quote] He did Holy shite, this is peak clown world. [/quote] Yup, and nothing that happens in November will change it. https://x.com/samcallah/status/1778143873631498534 ...
[quote]I don't disagree as to Powell's hands being tied, I just think that how he's handled this thus far he's more likely to understand that the results of raising rates are going to be "less worse" than continuing to try to thread the eye of the needle. Already we're hearing talks about the possi...
[quote]I've said for a while now that we're more likely to see another hike before we see a cut, I continue to stand by that statement. [/quote] I doubt it. Run the numbers on US Govt interest expense. They're hooped. Powell's hands are tied. He gets to decide how he's going to lose the long end...
In a regime of fiscal dominance, high rates eventually become inflationary. ...
[quote]got a govt employed loser downvoting you [/quote] We're nearing the end of the debt cycle. This is the blow off top of the parasitical class. ...
No sir, I would not want to be importing food and energy. But here’s why Japan is important to our position. When food/energy inflation reaches a certain level they are forced to sell treasuries to buy oil. Yields go up domestically and the Fed and Treasury have to react. Janet can go back to the sh...
[quote] A country that has an aging population, an average savings of over $125k per household and that's had negative interest rates for almost two decades? Consumers hoarding money and then the government siphoning some of that hoard off is completely different than the US economy.[/quote] ...