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Bad Second Baseman

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Number of Posts:40
Registered on:6/26/2023
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[quote] readers that want other peoples’ politics out of sports [/quote] ...
[link=(]Save the Children [/link]...
[link=(]Here’s the reason. [/link]...
[quote] Paying taxes to support half the country who don’t. [/quote] Mandatory living wage fixes this. If we tolerate slave wages, we don’t get to complain about people requiring assistance. ...
And instead of wasting so much energy drawing maps that they can’t use…maybe actually appeal to the sensibilities of African Americans to get votes? ...
[quote] persecution of LGBT people is extremely polarizing in america [/quote] ...
Libraries, playgrounds, public transit, basic community things that Republicans are less eager to contribute to. Biden country accounts for 71% of this country’s economic activity, so if you live in red country, thank a Democrat for subsidizing your entire existence....
[quote] A group of people whose only desire is to get something for nothing. [/quote] No, that’s slave-owners. The fruits of labor have been displaced. The task force report will inform us further. I keep getting a warning for post quality/quantity, so obviously people aren’t comfortable wit...
[quote] Inheritance that comes from non-family members? [/quote] Ancestors ...
[quote] But then you want me to believe that slave owners beat and tortured these slaves? Why? That would only be to the financial detriment of the owner. [/quote] Let’s part ways here. We were not meant for each other. ...
[quote] It’s not an argument, it’s reality. [/quote] I just disagree with you in that I believe inheritance should exist....
These arguments against inheritance I’ve seen here aren’t what I would consider good. ...
[quote] Slave labor in the state of California? Please tell me more. [/quote] Think of what feet can do. ...
[quote] If you were a former slave, yes, take $5 million and live comfortably the rest of your life. But no one today has had to suffer that hardship and on the flip side, no one alive who isn’t black is responsible for what their ancestors did [/quote] Then it’s in order to take away generational p...
Here’s the best part: if we keep the minimum wage low, they’ll never be able to pay it back, and their lives will be ruined. It’s what they get for going to school like the entire world told them to. We’re all on the same page, right? ...