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Registered on:6/9/2023
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What part of absolute immunity don’t you understand ? That’s what trumps attorneys argued … The only remedy around that is impeachment and removal the it opens the door for prosecution I’m not Saying they rule that way but it is a possibility and if they do then yes he is immune from these c...
Trump is master at marketing I would embrace it at this point / badge of honor Don’t run from it just go with it and absurdity of it all...
If they rule for absolute immunity then YEA it does All 34 felonies are tied to the payments that were made after he was in office ...
When we’re the 34 payments made After he was in office numb nuts ...
Depends As POTUS trump can’t be under a conviction for a felony. There are security clearances he needs to hold, that convicted felons can’t possess. He would also under any probation terms be under control and supervision of NY court systems, that obviously can’t happen either as potus Th...

re: It’s starting

Posted by masoncj on 5/30/24 at 5:18 pm
I do think it’s an opening to campaign In Detroit, Atlanta, Philly, Milwaukee , Trump can play the system is rigged card for sure ...

re: Supreme Court

Posted by masoncj on 5/30/24 at 4:27 pm
Not true scotus can take up any case it chooses to See Bush Gore 200”...

re: Still voting Trump.

Posted by masoncj on 5/30/24 at 4:15 pm
Yep …me too...
Name one criminal proceeding against a POTUS or GOP nominee in 248 years of American history I know you’re just being a smart arse but as a so called attorney didn’t you have to take an oath once upon a time? Funny it doesn’t show ...
[quote]I did. It was stupid . This is a state court criminal trial with scant state precedent. Skipping the state court appellate process for n extremely... esoteric due process would destroy any norms and precedent guiding the court's writ process[/quote] That the entire point genius, is tha...
Your a piece of work…you really are So an unprecedented show trial against a former sitting president who is the GOP candidate for POTUS shouldn’t be an exception ???! Alls fair in law fare ...
I think they can and they will/would since it’s an election year If it had the normal time period to go through the usual appeal they would decline it But again our commie/lib/dems are using unprecedented means to try to disqualify a political opponent In this instance the ends justify t...
Theres a thread about 20 pages deep by our bible/fundamentalists friends criticizing the RCC for apparently worshipping Mary …who knew being Protestant could be so open to interpretation Liberator be over here shortly to tell us why he and pastor Bob interrupt the Bible correctly but us Catholi...
Henry the VIII did his work well…only took about 500 years but whatever remains of the Church of England and it’s direct descendant the Episcopal church is essentially a dead church Mainline Protestant church’s will be dead over next 100 years or so. Only church’s remaining will be Catholic/o...
[quote]When he gets convicted, does he have to go thru all the appeals or can he somehow jump to SCOTUS, I think they would take it on fast track and reverse it. Don't think any judge in NY would change it[/quote] This is the question I have been asking but truthfully no one knows. Typically ...
Well it would be zero since what he is charged with is not a crime Much less even able to be prosecuted in the state of NY...
John MacAthur believes in predestination and is one of the more arrogant and prideful Protestant “preachers” out there. his church will split into dozens of sects after his passing. Within a hundred years he will simply be a an entry on whatever Wikipedia esc database is still around Guess ...