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Registered on:2/14/2023
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[quote]There was a coup, but it was opposite of what the news told us.[/quote] And what’s to stop them from doing it again?...
[quote]However, studies show that they don't like being called Hispanic (I'm Cuban, I'm Mexican, etc) or Asian (I'm Chinese, I'm Vietnamese, I'm Korean, etc). So, does your wife dislike being called 'Asian'?[/quote] shite, if the next version of Wokeness is gonna make me visually decipher between...
I only have one Vietnamese friend. (Her father is a doctor and they are catholic.) They are outspoken Republicans and led me to believe most in their community are as well. ...
Why are they announcing their sexual preferences at a church conference? Doesn’t ANYONE there see how ridiculous this is?...
We eat family dinners about 3/week in the dining room with the kids ...
It would be sort of like grade schools That have a “Principal For The Day” program that they auction off on Parent Night to the highest bidder. Third grader wears a suit to school and gets to make the announcements, but is hardly making staffing changes or policy decisions. ...
The level of self delusion achieved in recent months by the American Progressives is mind boggling ...
Tell him you have some stuff inside he might be interested in. Then shoot him ...
[quote]SS is virtually the ONLY government program operating in surplus in 2024[/quote] SS was tapped out in LBJ administration whereby all invested in gov’t bonds. The “trust” is essentially full of “IOUs” it’s not a bank vault filled with cash. That money was spent by your gov’t a loooong ...
[quote]let it end. i have planned and made sure i can retire with $0 social security[/quote] Same. I’ve been paying in for 30 years with the assumption I will get zero in return. The faster it blows up the sooner I stop being robbed ...
They are blood thirsty. They stay awake at night gleefully thinking of his demise. Biden is an abject failure as a leader, but I don’t waste my time with hate or hoping for anything other than him getting voted out ASAP...
[quote]Not a salvageable people.[/quote] Tell that to Biden, who’s throwing around plans to bring ‘em all over to US as refugees ...
I got THREE at the running of the bulls in Pamplona Spain last summer. ...