Favorite team:South Alabama 
Location:San Diego, CA
Interests:Living Life
Number of Posts:1871
Registered on:12/5/2007
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I can’t wait to see the melt on here after the guilty verdict is announced. ...

re: How can Biden debate Trump?

Posted by IdahoTiger on 5/16/24 at 9:17 am
Sounds like y’all are scared! It’ll be ok, we’ll try not go humiliate little Trumpy too bad. ...
The mental gymnastics that y’all go through is hilarious. Mayyybeee just maybeee everything isn’t a big ole conspiracy theory. It has to be exhausting changing y’all’s story around to fit your warped reality. Biden would destroy Trump in any debate, which is why I bet Trump will refuse. ...
Most of the stuff you mentioned just isn’t true. But you’re brainwashed by Fox News it seems. ...
lol y’all still just can’t admit Trump lost Georgia? ...

re: More smoke on Dominion situation

Posted by IdahoTiger on 5/9/24 at 10:25 am
The 2020 loss lives rent free in y’all’s heads lol...
[quote]The Dims/Groomers/Progressives/Neo Cultural Marxists control every major US institution and the nation is on the brink of societal and economic collapse. Are you 100% positive the Dims have it more right than America First?[/quote] I just cannot take y’all seriously when you say “Dims” and...
Progressive here. Born and raised in Louisiana, moved all over the US but went to college in Alabama and now live in SoCal. LGBT, regular ole family with parents still together, raised Catholic but I don’t believe in god anymore so I’d say I’m agnostic. Work in Real Estate Analytics for a large priv...

re: Why are liberals so psychotic?

Posted by IdahoTiger on 4/4/24 at 2:43 pm
[quote]Going to Democratic Underground is the saddest thing I've ever seen.[/quote] It’s funny, that’s exactly how I feel about this place. But yeah, I lean left/liberal but DU is even a little much for myself. That’s the far far left edge of the Democratic Party and certainly doesn’t represent t...
Double vaxxed and healthy here. You people and your conspiracy theories, but whatever makes you sleep at night. ...
Lol @ y’all believing the Gateway Pundit. If it wasn’t so sad, it’d be funny. Please seek help, you’re embarrassing yourselves. ...
[quote]And you support a groomer. Does your family know?[/quote] My family and I all support President Biden. Not sure what groomer you’re talking about bud. ...
Y’all just can’t get over that 2020 loss hahahahahahaha...
If you idiots love Russia so much, feel free to move there. Nothing is keeping you here. It’s amazing (and scary) how far Russian propaganda has infiltrated the US Republican base. ...
[quote]Better than any of the Muslim nations that inhabit the area or the commie nation of Ukraine.[/quote] You’re seriously brainwashed, along with most of the posters here. You swamp fricks need to get out of your echo chamber every once in a while. ...

re: I really hate the Jan 6 rioters

Posted by IdahoTiger on 3/19/24 at 9:31 am
[quote]So you realize it’s fake but hate the people that are wrongly detained?[/quote] lol y’all just claim everything is fake huh? When it’s happening right in front of your eyes with millions of people around the world watching, it’s not fake. ...
Trump is a LOSER. He loses elections and he loses court cases. Get over it. ...
[quote]Honest question IdahoTiger, If Biden has been such a great potus as you claim, why are his ratings the lowest of any potus in modern history, including among key groups that usually vote dem? What is your personal theory for the crappy poll numbers?[/quote] 1. He’s old and people are t...