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They are champing at the bit to jail Trump, intoxicated by their sense of righteousness and superiority. I tend to doubt they can hold themselves back from doing so. They're obsessed with taking down the bad orange man who haunts their nightmares, to the point of mental derangement. Yet the ...
No question. A political prosecution, and a rigged trial. Complete banana-republic type action. The descent and dissolution of the nation continues unabated. ...
Worth a look also is the earlier western, "A Day of Fury" (1956), in which Dale Robertson arrives in a small western town, with his presence being a corrupting influence on everyone, to the consternation of sheriff Jock Mahoney. It's all done in a similarly allegorical manner, with the gist being t...
No surprise for me. I well recall Biden from his run in the late-80s, and endless C-SPAN footage in the 90s/00s. He was always a mean-spirited, obnoxiously glib, very liberal, career 'hack politician,' who was consistently inept and drew wrong conclusions about everything. Just about the worst th...
Seen a fair number of pre-Nazi era German films. Only one I think I've seen from the Nazi era is "Ferryman Maria" (1936), which I rather liked. "Triumph of the Will" (1935) has been easily found for decades and decades. Never bothered to watch it, though. Didn't interest me. Never h...
I can never seem to make up my mind, as to whether this country has: sunk to the lowest depths of retardation, or.. sunk to the lowest depths of depravity. Things like this tell me that it's pretty much a case of both. ...
I still have a copy of the film on VHS, which I'd taped off a Houston station back around 1990 or 1991. It's a very rarely shown film. It was part of a batch of about 50 old Fox Films (pre-20th Century Fox) that wasn't made available for tv-syndication until the 1970s. But since by that time the ...
Hands down, worst Southern accent? An obscure independent cheapie from 1933, entitled "Her Secret." This film stars European actress Sari Maritza, who had come over to America and made a film or two for Paramount, which apparently didn't make any kind of splash. So she was then given a job ...

re: Honey West from the mid60s

Posted by Aeolian Vocalion on 4/27/24 at 10:55 pm
I bought the dvd series-set of "Honey West" when it came out about 15 or so years ago. The show is a little on the ridiculous side, a little on the banal side, yet overall still manages to be pretty breezy and agreeable. Helping the series hugely is Anne Francis in the lead, who is such a likeable...
Judging from some old movie magazines I have from that era, it seems "The Story of Temple Drake" (1933) was the film that really set people off. And it is a pretty skeezy film. It was never circulating on television through the years, so it became a bit more obscure and forgotten than some others....
Talked to a number of folks, like my grandfather, who remembered that grapefruit scene from back when the film was new. Everyone found it really, really disturbing back then. In a way, it really is. Not just because of the base callousness of the act in isolation. But because of the context....
I can't really think of some specific memory, but I do get some occasional nostalgic pangs, thinking back to how much I enjoyed checking out all the various record stores when I'd spot them, back during the LP era. I recall being thrilled at discovering a shop, "Yesterday's Records and Tapes" in Au...
To add one thing to the mix (as there are so many aspects to all this, and I see where so many posters have nicely hashed them out)... With WW2 and then the initial years of the Cold War, and the nature of these situations, a lot of society really started looking up to the generals, the politici...
Was the tune "Wedding Bells (are breaking up that old gang of mine)" perhaps something of a comedic variation or sequel to that song? It apparently came a few years later. I recall encountering a 1929 recording of it from Harry Reser, among others. ...
Fight for 'this' country? A country that tears down its statues and spits on its own history and heritage? A country that is run by deviants and perverts, and does everything it can to fund and support depravity across the globe? A country that seems to already be at war with everything it once w...
Things like this are why I can really no longer give a damn if someplace like NY is on the receiving end of another 9/11. This nation has gone off the deep end. Non-stop celebration of depravity and perversion. More of a freak-show than an actual country. And yes, I do place 100% of the blame...
On the photo of the 'silent' era Our Gang, the fat kid in front is not Chubby Chaney, but Joe Cobb, who was in most of the silent films, and preceded Chubby. Cobb also far outlived Chubby. Freckled-face guy next to him is Harry Spear, and I think the blonde girl between Farina and Mary Ann is Je...
Never supported it, and never will. I'm not the least bit surprised it opened the door to all this degenerate, freak-show insanity, from pedos and drag-queen storytime to trannies and child-mutilations. I pretty much expected it. The country has turned into a truly ghastly, vomitous sewer. A...
Believe me, if I'm on a jury, with the case being some fellow citizen having dispatched one of Biden's foreign invaders, I'm voting 'not guilty' no matter the circumstances, and no matter how clear-cut the evidence. ...
The corporate world wants to emulate the Chinese model. They hate America's constant churn, with political elections causing unpredictability every four years. One administration enacting regulations and laws, and then another removing them, in a neverending, revolving-door fashion. They want a p...