Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:1521
Registered on:7/23/2022
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Recent Posts

Her story about someone else buying her meal looks pretty suspect....
Those are definitely some well put together young ladies...
He was indeed, really bad. Very amateurish, and frustrating to watch....
Lie after lie after lie ... it's their stock in trade...
Be nice if he could explain what went wrong with his half-billion dollar floating pier...
I thought Beau died fighting the Nazis at Iwo Jima...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Hondo Blacksheep on 5/31/24 at 11:28 am
Yeah he's not exactly Dave Parker out there...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Hondo Blacksheep on 5/31/24 at 11:09 am
More of that, please...
Literally the single greatest frame up job and miscarriage of justice in American history. A completely disgraceful situation ... everyone involved should be disbarred. I can't believe the Dems here can even show their faces today....
An electron microscope couldn't measure how little I think of the progressives right now....
Yeah, this guy seems to be looking for grievances. I think most of us like UNC just fine for an ACC school, and no one here is taking Wofford lightly....
I have never been more ashamed of the Democratic party than I am today. Every single one of you can go frick yourselves for the damage you have done to this country and the rule of law....
I have a full head of hair but if I lost a significant amount of it I'd consider rocking the bald with a beard look....
That's awesome, very creative. She's a natural!...
I received one once and gave it to the dog, who promptly destroyed it. Can't imagine putting it on my dashboard....
No, sugar relationships imply a monthly allowance, which I am not willing to do. Serial monogamy with younger women is generally referred to as a mutually beneficial relationship, in which I get what I want (a beautiful woman on my arm when we go out, plus benefits), and she gets what she wants (...
Forget about it Jake, it's TigerDroppings...
Welcome aboard, Jake! Let's do this thing, Tigah!...
I don't understand your question but these aren't actually hook ups (far too risky in today's world). Rather, I am a serial monogamist, and when things get to be a hassle I just move on to the next one. Usually 3-6 months or so. If by chance you're asking about fake boobs, I can't remember the la...