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Of course it is politically motivated, if Trump had never run for President, he would have never paid off a porn star and falsified business records. ...
[quote]Is this a sign that people are just fed up with everything?[/quote] I know that your post is a sign that you believe anything you see on the internet...and your post history suggests that you believe some dumb shite. ...
[quote]Every heroin addict I know started smoking marijuana first[/quote] And beer, they probably did beer before heroin too. :cheers:...
[quote]This board is a Trump echo chamber that can’t handle a small minority who don’t worship at his feet. The MAGA victim complex is certainly a sight to behold.[/quote] this is worth echoing through the chamber....so true. ...
[quote]The state of Louisiana voting to remove government and government officials public records access[/quote] [link=(https://www.wwltv.com/article/news/politics/louisiana-bill-state-public-records-law-block-public-view-access-elected-officials/289-13d41938-5d99-41e5-8844-933eb0863ea0)]Well th...
The fact that he made a deal with the trashiest magazine around is totally in character. ...
nope, Didn’t realize that. Doesn’t change the fact that its ironic and funny. ...
I’m sure he’s done some dirty stuff over the years, we just don’t have his info on record in a criminal court. It’s starting to make more sense why Trump is so hellbent on being the first President to need immunity from crimes. ...
yes, that’s me! Your point? ...

Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?

Posted by heymama on 4/23/24 at 6:25 pm
Trump was right! He has always warned us about the fake news! Little did we know that Trump was in bed with Pecker in a “catch and kill scheme” and to publish fake news about Rubio, Cruz, Carson and others . :rotflmao: Trump’s ability to lie and tell the truth through projection at the sam...
No, I haven’t seen anything about a “significant” amount of illegal vote’s being counted. Significant meaning enough to make a difference in the results of the election. Please point me to those rulings, I may have overlooked them. ...
WTF is this? Has nothing to do with the 2020 election & no link to a source. Here's a helpful summary of results of the 60 court cases. Trump is nothing but a waste of time, money & legal resources! [link=(https://campaignlegal.org/results-lawsuits-regarding-2020-elections)]There were over...
[quote]because of fraud you dumbass.[/quote] Your feelings are not facts, dumbass. Show me the legal documentation of fraud. Something more reliable than the pillow guy’s documentary. ...
[quote]I can't afford another Biden administration.[/quote] I don't think anyone WANTS another Biden admin. I was hoping that the Republican party would have gotten their shite together and have a different candidate on the ballot this year...but they wasted time focusing on the wrong things and ...
Imagine seeing all of this and still thinking that Trump is innocent, honest, decent human being and qualified to lead our country! (oh, and my favorite...he's a VICTIM and it's not FAIR!!!) With this rap sheet, he wouldn't even be considered for a a position at Taco Bell with a Now Hiring sign a...
Oh good, maybe he will stop texting me and asking for money every day!...
Still waiting on the release of the name of the 3rd victim. Saw on a social media post by the family that it may be the neighbor Beth. But no additional information in news reporting. ...