Favorite team:LSU 
Location:South La
Number of Posts:4172
Registered on:11/14/2007
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I sat on a criminal jury just last year here in Louisiana. We were not allowed a copy of the jury instructions either. Any question we had would not be answered. The judge would have us all sent back to the box and she would read the 20 min of instructions again. That's it. Nothing else. No qu...

re: Portable Air Compressors

Posted by deuceiswild on 5/12/24 at 3:10 pm
Something along that line is what I will go with if I get a bigger one. I had a 5 gallon compressor before and between the frequency of use and the trouble it was to drag around I ended up replacing it with a smaller compressor and I am not unhappy with that decision at all. The expansion tank ...

re: DT Anomaly….

Posted by deuceiswild on 5/12/24 at 12:35 pm
Prime, himself won’t return the following year lol ...
Go on the Lorex website and purchase a system. They have great customer service if you need it. An actual human will talk to you. ...
Get one of those bucket lid trap door mouse traps. Then things work well and you’ll catch multiple mice per night. I’ve caught up to 6 in an hour from my garage once. ...

Portable Air Compressors

Posted by deuceiswild on 5/12/24 at 11:38 am
So I have a small Dewalt portable compressor (D55140) with a 1 gallon tank. I like it a lot and it generally serves all my needs. Is it a good idea to purchase an expansion tank for a small compressor like this? Or would continuous run time be an issue to press up the tank? I am considering a ...
I read or listen to Mearsheimer often. I've never thought of him as "pro-Russia". He's simply calling it as he sees it, which unfortunately, most of Washington doesn't have the nads to do. And he's been consistent for decades in his thoughts. By "calling it as he sees it", I mean he's willing ...
Probably logarithms. Work in nuclear power industry....
I am as conservative as they come, yet I am pro choice. Not because I want babies to be killed, but because I think it's between a woman, her doctor, and the sperm donor. And when pressed with a highly divisive issue, I'd prefer to err on the side of not allowing govt to tell people what they cann...
First one since March? Well damned, count me in as in favor of. It's obviously time to send them more stuffs. :rolleyes:...
First one since March? Well damned, count me in as in favor of. It's obviously time to send them more stuffs. :rolleyes:...
God forbid that those who think he's wrong or out of line let his constituents decide. That would be crazy talk....
[quote]Wasn’t just Covid, he caved to everyone when he got into office. I’M GETTING US OUT OF AGFGHANISTAN! Nope FISA IS ABUSIVE AND NEEDS TO GO! Nope WE’RE GOING TO REPLACE OBAMACARE WITH SOMETHING BETTER! Nope[/quote] Should he have used his phone and pen and just make it happen? W...

re: RFK on why Fauci is not in prison

Posted by deuceiswild on 4/23/24 at 10:48 am
[quote]Hindsight is always 20/20[/quote] True. The thing is, that 20/20 vision was pretty clear by about April or May of 2020. Trump should have done what he always does and gone against the establishment right about that time when it was obvious that Covid was not as bad as they were making it...
You’re right to an extent. As repulsive as she may be, she is needed. Her attitude is needed. Why? Because we have people like Talib, AOC, Omar, etc who spout pure unfiltered garbage on the daily and our media doesn’t bat an eye. In fact, they tend to agree with said unfiltered garbage. ...
[quote]Well, Bama has never played in a Super Bowl. So what you just posted is true. However, stating that no Bama graduate has ever scored a point in a Super Bowl is incorrect.[/quote] Wrong. No player who has ever played for Alabama crimson Tide has scored a point in a superbowl. Not running...
[quote]That is false.[/quote] Not false. It’s 100% absolutely true. No Bama player has ever scored a single point in a Super Bowl. None. Because Bama players suck. How you like them apples? ...
[quote]That's a very weird not to see Alabama on that particular list. Now do Heismans and All-Americans and conference championships and national championships.[/quote] This is what makes Bama fans so much fun. You’re so spoiled you lack the ability to brush off even the silliest of slights to ...
There’s no script for me. There’s no reason Bama should drop off to anything less than the equivalent of teams like UT, LSU, UGA, etc. and that ain’t a bad place to be…. If you’re a rational Bama fan, that is. When you say “half the success”, what does that mean? Three titles in 17 years, shou...

re: Bama changing the game!

Posted by deuceiswild on 1/14/24 at 11:46 pm
I could easily be wrong, but I think it’s Bama who has the most to be concerned about. I have my doubts how this can work out still having Saban around. I don’t know what else you’re supposed to do, I admit. You can’t kick him to the curb. But I can see more bad than good coming out of his pre...