Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Interests:Gymnastics video games
Occupation:Social worker
Number of Posts:124
Registered on:1/29/2022
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I actually would prefer Brock over Savannah on vault. Aleah doesn’t stick but the dynamics of her vault are better than Savannah’s. Aleah over rotates, Savannah has been under rotating that vault. Nationals will eat that vault alive. ...
I said the same during the season about beam. It’s to late in the game barring an injury. This the 6 they are going with. Leadoff has to be steady Eddie. Annie never found consistency and idk Alexis kinda has issues with vertigo at the wrong time. I feel like I’d rather have a for sure calm hit from...
Well to try and answer a part of your question, if they’re only practicing things they already know, what’s difficult about mastering it and landing well and competing under pressure? We have been saying for years to construct better routines on beam change leap combos and change dismounts on bars. ...
I played sports for years. I could definitely tell when I was just better than an opponent talent wise or how the culture and staff contributed to that success. With gymnastics it’s no defense. It’s only on u as the gymnast and staff. So obviously you have to compare all the different aspects of the...
Exactly!! Great points and you can’t coddle people. The greats of any sports, Bulls, Lakers, SC women’s basketball, Kim Mullkey, Tom Brady, LeBron James, OU gymnastics to name a few. You have to have a formula that works. You have to have a village surrounding you. Understand sports is a process and...
Well if Jay and co aren’t tough enough how can the gymnast be tough enough? Just saying !!!...
I usually get thumbs down for these kind of post but reality is you can still be a fan while also being critical . Yes many of us aren’t in the gym and seeing the work put in but as we all see every week some things need to be changed . Opinions are based off performance. Kiya just about every other...
My few concerns for this team to make a run for Nationals are confidence on the road, all round landings and beam. 1-6 LSU has the best vaults and floor in the country. They have to land better as a team. Bars has been a massive improvement from years past, but again landings are critical. I wonder ...
I have been saying that for years. Coaching skill selection and consistency....
Bars actually was a strength with sticks this meet. Once they figure out beam they will be unstoppable. I do worry a little about vault. Those landings need to be there. Also maybe just maybe, move Sierra from leadoff to score higher . ...
And construction critics are not always a bad thing. I’m like this in the nba and nfl. Coddling is not realistic with a program with all the talent and resources LSU has. My perspective is a fan of LSU and gymnastics completely . Born and raised in Baton Rouge. It’s just a bummer the program can be ...
As I post I would like to say as a fan of not only gymnastics but LSU, many in these boards dislike post that are critical of the staff and somewhat the gymnast. This goes for the football team that LSU had this year . Fans criticize and critique all sports. I directly compare all teams to OU becaus...
Spot on post. To add, my biggest thing moving forward is this coaching staff. The gymnastics is there, but I question and have been questioning Jay Clark since he took over. Why is Kiya in the all around first meet with so much depth? It baffles me to even consider her doing the leg events first mee...
I would put Coen or Kj in over Dunne. Also I could see Savannah switched in and out. Dunne best case is floor imo. ...
I just don’t see Kiya and Aleah locks on bars. If Konnor can consistently keep her form and improve that landing, she really has the best form on the entire team. Yes making sure she is healthy is key but she will need the numbers. Aleah only stuck that dismount once last season as much as I love he...
Exactly, even though we haven’t won a national title, many on here base things off like ability or what they have done in the past. Take a book from Oklahoma. No one cares about all around or past spots when the program is holding up a national trophy. Not trying to pick on people but if she is heal...
I love your lineups but depends on Jay and the coaches. I think lineups are up for grabs. I was so impressed with Amari, Chase and Cowan. To win we’re gonna need to highest potential scores. It’s tough to leave people like Alyona and Sierra out of lineups but they have form issues. Definitely prefer...

re: Remove

Posted by Sofly225 on 7/13/23 at 2:38 pm
Plus this past team and the ladies that stepped up can’t go un notice. Jeffrey, Tatum, Brock, Erenas, Cowan, Bryce all gained so much. If I had to make a lineup prediction for nationals In April vault Kj, Aleah, Chase, Jillian, Kiya, Haleigh. Bars Jeffrey, Tatum, Finnegan, Kiya, Savannah, Haleigh B...

re: Remove

Posted by Sofly225 on 7/13/23 at 2:32 pm
It’s so hard to speculate these lineups. I do know based of Jay’s history I would not expect Konnor to be in more than one or two events . His goal is to get her healthy which has been a worry for her in elite. She hasn’t competed since 2022 Nationals. My question about the rest of the team is the f...