Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Down da bayou
Biography:Sordid details are all I have...
Number of Posts:200
Registered on:11/29/2021
Online Status:Not Online

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I don't think fighter jets are the way this thing shakes out. They require a human resource in a seat pushing buttons. A human that may have standards and morals that might not follow orders to kill. It would only take a small handful of pilots to refuse before the majority follows suit. What I s...
Joe and the Demons are perfectly happy with letting Hunter take a fall. It supports their narrative that "no one is above the law". Guilty verdict is returned, but the sentencing and subsequent investigations are likely the pieces that scare the Bidens more than anything....
Hiding in the basement works if they've got their finger on the scales. Polls mean nothing, and a terribly bad candidate won't get any worse. He has handlers that manage his appearances, and bureaucrats are running this nation. Why would they upset that by putting someone else as the frontman and...
[quote]These evil people are smart and committed.[/quote] That was my thought... a Mistrial gives them the ability to repeat this whole process, thus futher keeping him off a campaign trail....
[quote]In other words, determining whether the Founding Fathers committed treason is a moot point because the American Revolution succeeded.[/quote] So, as Snopes says, all we have to do is win....
[quote] he is a horsefricker?[/quote] seems logical to me......

re: Jury Deliberation

Posted by FCarole on 5/30/24 at 2:40 pm
[quote]We had 2 hold outs.[/quote] Never really wrapped my head around why they can keep pressuring hold outs until they succumb to either peer pressure, fatigue, or the desire to get back to their lives. Sure, they can deliberate, and discuss why they feel a certain way, but at the end of the...

re: Say a prayer for Juror #2 today

Posted by FCarole on 5/30/24 at 10:35 am
Juror #4 wants to know who the hell this Donald Trump guy is......
[quote]No.. it could be proof that people saw the wet streets and thought it was from rain and expected more, so they prepared.[/quote] Or a hydrant could have been hit by a careless lawyer, spraying water throughout the street, giving the impression that it rained, causing everyone to react as i...
[quote] quote: 100% Hung Jury. I’ve seen that movie.[/quote] Poor little white girl didn't stand a chance......
[quote] Stop giving them free shite and they'll self-deport.[/quote] I'd be cautious of this approach simply because when people are pushed to their limits, in many cases, resorting to criminal activity is the result. Many of the illegals here do try to remain crime free (minus the whole illeg...

re: LSU softball selection show at 6

Posted by FCarole on 5/13/24 at 9:12 am
Didn't get the 8, but at 9, I think we're in a good position to still possibly host a super. Stanford could very well get put out by Ms State. If that happens, and we win the BR regional, we still host....
She's had top 5 classes the last 2 years... How much more do you want her to recruit? If you don't know what you're talking about, its ok to say so......

re: Beth staying [on] [off]

Posted by FCarole on 5/10/24 at 8:45 am
Regular SEC season finishes, and the SEC tournament has very little impact on NCAA post season play. They had a good season, relatively unscathed (-Coffee), #3 RPI, and they're peaking at the right time, and should host a Regional and Super. There's no reason the coach should be on a hot seat aft...
GPA forces some STUDS to land in D2 or D3 for a year.. It happens. Once they're in a program and they can "tutor" him to decent grades, bouncing to a bigger D1 is always an option....

re: Softball Next Year

Posted by FCarole on 5/8/24 at 2:40 pm
Don't know if Bleak is the right work... Losing a ton of senior offenseive production, but you've got 2 really good classes that one would hope will fill in those departures. Same for defense; 5/9 starters moving on. Replacing Pitching staff pretty much remains with Berzon and Chaffin. A handful of ...
Do a film review and you'll see that the number of times a guy has to block a ball from a knee is far less than the number of times a catcher has to steal a strike at the bottom of the zone., and for the record, athletic guys can still move and block balls effectively. Need receipts..? Well in 20...
I wouldn't pay good money to simply build depth in any position. If you've got the right position coaches on the staff, then its on them to develop that depth. I'd only go the mercenary route for an absolute game changer type athlete, and those types are few and far between, and is often a gamble...
What do you do when the backup is all but guaranteed to totally destroy your team?? How about the idea of keeping the QB and fill the other positions around him with more effective players....