Favorite team:Oklahoma 
Interests:BBQ, Beer, your mom
Number of Posts:257
Registered on:11/26/2021
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Free healthcare is possible ask Europe just need low military/defense spending, low immigration, small population, high taxes (on everyone and everything). There’s a reason why so many people use public transportation and bicycles in Europe. After sales tax, VAT, excise tax and registration you shel...
The only “cultural” battle the military should be fighting is the VD cases from cultural enlightenment tours to Thailand. ...
Is that a Biden impersonation? Purty good...
I am serious, what’s the point? He’s not going to prison. He’s not losing any votes. Why continue to get bogged down in courtrooms instead of hitting the trail? There’s a election, kinda important one, in 6 months....
What makes you think they aren’t already there? You think a bunch of farmers who repair old Soviet tractors are going to be trusted working on a $63 million jet?...
Why even appeal? Everyone knows it’s a bullshite case to begin with. All it does is make Trump more popular and democrats even more intolerable than than they already are. ...

re: Mr 101 MPH…

Posted by IamNotaRobot on 5/29/24 at 11:30 pm
Wish they’d teach these young flame throwers how to pitch instead of just throwing hard. I’ll take low-mid 90s who can paint the corners with some movement any day over 100 down the pipe. ...
What’s even more embarrassing is he was trying to get out of the game after the CFP expansion. Guy has no faith in himself or his team. ...
That’s exactly how it didn’t happen the only time it’s ever happened in MLB...
Did they check the dumpsters at the Dollar Tree?...
At first glance, I thought the chairs were sea gulls and they had been sent down from heaven to give us a message. Could be all the sun or the beer ...
Idk about LA, but TX has a “crime of passion” law that surrounds this type of incident. Not a get out of jail free card, but basically argues that you were so emotionally distraught in that moment that you were temporarily insane and not capable of knowing right from wrong. ...
The funny part will be when it expands to 16 then 20 teams, and the teams and fans start talking shite on the teams who hadn’t made it when it was *just* 12...
It’s an awesome and humbling experience. Was there about 15 years ago and remember the towns still had banners up that read “welcome our liberators”. Gives you a sense of pride. Probably a marketing deal to get you to stop and shop, but they are very reverent nonetheless. A huge amount of respect fo...
After watching Floppa-Doncic cry after every call last series I’ll let it slide...
Bookmark it, take a picture, write it in your diary. Whatever you got to do chief ...
Luka Donuts going down. This team isn’t winning another game ...

re: What pros really make each week

Posted by IamNotaRobot on 5/24/24 at 11:50 am
Pretty wide gap between the haves and have nots in pro golf. That’s why I root for the underdogs and the no names who win that life changing check on the other tours. It’s also the reason I get guys going to LIV. Obviously, they were already in the upper stratosphere as far as golf compensation goes...