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Location:Houston, TX
Biography:BR Native living in TX
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Registered on:11/12/2021
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[quote]AHM21[/quote] Sorry to hear about your program not being an international brand....

re: Each SEC Teams Worst Blowout Ever

Posted by linewar on 5/17/24 at 1:28 pm
I remember watching that 77-0 OU vs aTm game in '03. This clip lives in my head rent free as a result. [img]https://media.surlyhorns.com/monthly_2022_09/755547C0-94E9-4A03-8BC2-47C2793C50CC.gif.fd2de9a25ddea1c17cebab79730d9797.gif[/img]...

re: RIP SEC on CBS

Posted by linewar on 5/17/24 at 1:22 pm
[quote]RIP SEC on CBS[/quote] [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/016/345/BYE_FELICIA.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Scottie Scheffler would drive right by this post without acknowledging it.[/quote] And an upvote for you, sir. ...
As an LSU fan, I'd be hard-pressed to say who LSU's biggest rival is. Since it's the only Power 5 program in the state, there is no natural in-state school for a rivalry like UT/ TAMU, Bama/ Aubie, and Ole Miss/ MSU. Historically, LSU and Ole Miss were rivals, but I think from an Ole Miss perspect...
[quote]unless you are from South Louisiana, u don't get it. [/quote] Grew up in Baton Rouge, my family is from SW Louisiana. It's a bit different over that way but some of that core is still there since so much of that area was settled by the same folks that went through the same things. It may e...
[quote]JKChesterton[/quote] Wow. I opened the first page completely not intending to read through all 5 pages of the thread but....man this dude is somehow like...like South Louisiana [i]itself [/i] is posting on the SECr. I thoroughly enjoyed that, and strangely understood every bit of it whil...

re: Ed Orgeron to Florida?

Posted by linewar on 12/5/23 at 2:55 pm
It was fun while it lasted, Sunbelt Billy. Anyone wanna do a way-too-early over/under on how many games before UF fires Billy and names CEO the interim? I'd set the line at 7.5, after losing to Tennessee on 10/12/2024. Then when they play LSU it'll be CEO on the sideline with the headset.......
It was fun while it lasted, Sunbelt Billy. Anyone wanna do a way-too-early over under on how many games before UF fires Billy and names CEO the interim? I'm gonna say 7.5, after losing to Tennessee on 10/12/2024. Then when they play LSU it'll be CEO on the sideline with the headset....

re: SEC Teams not bowling this season

Posted by linewar on 12/4/23 at 4:16 pm
[quote]B1G and SEC face off 6 times, going to be hilarious when we own you outright.[/quote] Bookmarking this hot take right here. Go [fake] Tigers/ War Eagles/ Plainsmen/ whatever Auburn is. Enjoy some turtle soup, my dudes....

re: SEC Teams not bowling this season

Posted by linewar on 12/4/23 at 4:13 pm
[quote]Vanderbilt Arkansas Miss State South Carolina [b]Florida[/b][/quote] FIFY....

re: Texas recap

Posted by linewar on 11/30/23 at 4:35 pm
[quote]Orange ags[/quote] I gotta say...I Lol'ed at this. ...

re: Jayden Daniels victory speech

Posted by linewar on 11/28/23 at 2:21 pm
[quote] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d6/9e/14/d69e14a68fabf1f15f248bc4c334b656.jpg[/img] Crab man always had some good talks back in the day. I look forward to this one. [/quote] OK now that's funny. Never made that connection before seeing this :lol:...
[img]https://i.imgur.com/AhUrX.gif[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/z0EgzCrcIY8AAAAC/kronk-kronk-oh-yeah.gif[/img] That said...this can't be real, right?...
[quote]The A&M/Texas game is back[/quote] Congrats on the Aggie War Hymn making sense again. [img]https://media.tenor.com/A_t_fy0pmKEAAAAC/vivalty-police.gif[/img] ...

re: Honest assessment of your season

Posted by linewar on 11/27/23 at 4:21 pm
I'll admit that my expectations were too high after unexpectedly winning the West last season. I was thinking 10-2 or 11-1 with an opener win over FSU and the Bama game deciding who won the West. What I 100% did NOT expect was for LSU to field a defense reminiscent of the 2008 Big 12. That was......
[quote]I'd be more concerned if we had warring factions of donors that made the ADs job impossible. But by all accounts that's not what we have. The donors, university admin, and fans were all pretty much in lockstep in wanting Elko, or at least being ok with Elko. And Bjork ignored it all, and trie...

re: Max Johnson in portal.

Posted by linewar on 11/27/23 at 2:20 pm
I have zero evidence to back up my assessment, but...my assessment is that family has been destructive to two programs/ head coaches now. I caught a bit of the A&M/ Ole Miss game and I swear the camera cut to Brad Johnson wearing a sideline headset in the stands. Did he worm his way into being abl...
From the outside, I think Bjork extending Fisher, the buyout for Fisher's firing coming from the Athletic department budget rather than boosters, the Stoops fiasco AND the Elko hire all point to one thing: the boosters run the show in College Station. Any rational program would've sent Bjork pack...
While it's gotta be a hail mary hire for Bjork to keep his job, I don't think they go for the splash hire coming off the Jimbo debacle. Some of Bjork's public comments indicate that they're planning to mine the Group of 5 for their next coach, so...if it's not Traylor it's Fritz from Tulane. My pr...