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Registered on:10/30/2007
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re: FBD: Beachin’

Posted by BugAC on 6/5/24 at 5:46 pm
NBD, after a nap [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ir50cxk.jpeg[/img]...

re: FBD: Beachin’

Posted by BugAC on 6/5/24 at 1:35 pm
Next [img]https://i.imgur.com/VjiNrVJ.jpeg[/img]...

re: FBD: Beachin’

Posted by BugAC on 6/5/24 at 12:59 pm
Tastes like sunbum ...

re: FBD: Beachin’

Posted by BugAC on 6/5/24 at 12:51 pm
3DD: [img]https://i.imgur.com/leLqQEg.jpeg[/img]...

FBD: Beachin’

Posted by BugAC on 6/5/24 at 12:28 pm
FBD: Pernicious 2BD: [img]https://i.imgur.com/l2Jwg2F.jpeg[/img]...
Trying to pick a place for tomorrow night. What is your favorite? Accepting other recs for good dinner options....
I use as few dishes as possible and clean as I cook. Not to impress the wife but so I have less shite to deal with after dinner....
[quote]Yes, I did.[/quote] If you did, then quote it. [quote]don't think you understand my response, or what the term "crawfishing" means. Try to be better.[/quote] No, you said something rather stupid and rather than providing the quote, you are pretending you already justified your commen...
[quote]I've already responded to this thought. Go back and read it.[/quote] No, you didn’t. Now you’re crawfishing....
[quote]Judaism and Christianity are separate religions. The term itself wasn't used before the late 19th century . Christians for almost 2000 years would have had no idea what you were talking about.[/quote] You aren’t a smart person if you don’t understand the term and what it means. Being stupi...
[quote]BamaAtl[/quote] You really posted an NY Times article and want us to believe any of that shite? :lol:...
It was explained to you that this same judge of 24, also got the weissman and Bannon case. How is that "random" that this one judge gets all cases involving the Trump circle and not a single judge of the 24 in new york district got the others? In addition, why did he not recuse himself given the obv...
[quote]Y'all keep acting like the judge and jury went out of their way to be a part of this trial. Both are selected randomly.[/quote] Randomly? Interesting, because Merchan also presided over the Bannon case. What are the odds that happens? And if it is just coincidence, why didn't he recuse him...
[quote]can't imagine buying an $800 machine and using tap water to fill it[/quote] I use the filtered water out of my fridge. What's wrong with tap water, assuming you live somewhere with good water?...
[quote]The problem with this sort of thing is you actually need evidence for it to work.[/quote] You really don't. You need the appearance of impropriety, that is all. We just saw that in NY. Show me the man, and i'll find you the crime. That is all we need. There are a few obvious ones, however...

re: Update: Trump verdict is in...GUILTY

Posted by BugAC on 5/30/24 at 9:55 pm
[quote]momentoftruth87[/quote] Still waiting. All you have is downvotes??? How pathetic. :lol:...

re: Voted For Biden Check In

Posted by BugAC on 5/30/24 at 9:41 pm
[quote]SDVTiger[/quote] When did I vote for Biden? I’ll wait for you to post 1 single post I’ve ever made in the history of this website that was in favor of Democrats. It should be easy. Come on, fire up that PC that you never leave from in your Miami high rise. :lol:...

re: Update: Trump verdict is in...GUILTY

Posted by BugAC on 5/30/24 at 9:37 pm
[quote]You’re no better than him[/quote] By all means, mot, please elaborate. Dazzle me with your intellect....

re: Update: Trump verdict is in...GUILTY

Posted by BugAC on 5/30/24 at 8:43 pm
[quote]mmcgrath[/quote] One can not be a leftist without being inherently dishonest. One cannot be deceitful all the time without being angry. One can not be angry without hating himself. I’m glad you are miserable with yourself. Your misery is well deserved....
This will be interesting given the comments from RFKJR the poster. The real RFK contradicts the posters words....