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re: $300 MILLION via DJT websites

Posted by WaltWhite504 on 6/4/24 at 7:05 pm
Wow - economy must be good under Biden. ...
[quote]hat was your life like for the 3 1/2 under Trump before a globally declared pandemic?[/quote] 3 years - the first reported case of Covid in US was in January 2020. Trump left office (non-peacefully) in Jan 2021. Failure to act, does not shrink the timeline of the pandemic. I judge my h...
[quote]You’re so critical of Trump,just go ahead and vote for Biden.You probably did first time. Things are so much better under Biden,right?[/quote] Well? Allow me to answer that question with a comparison of my life from this time four years ago - June 4, 2020 2020 Louisiana is esse...
[quote]For many these issues are the most important in terms of what the President can influence and control and Trump objectively destroys Biden on all of them: 1. The national security crisis created by an insecure border 2. The dangers to personal liberty being executed by activist/politicall...
You can try and spin Quarantine - Trump not only encouraged quarantine, he funded it. BIGGLY The Stay Home Press Conference - Mar 16, 2020 [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LG2jQ8UQp8)]LINK[/link] Trillions in deficit spending - to stay home. Including $800m in Forgivable PPP Loan...
You mean Aka Trump's Operation Warp Speed? [link=(https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-operation-warp-speed-vaccine-summit/)]LINK[/link] It funny to me that the same people who complain about the Jab seem to forget who proudly took credit for produ...
Power Wash Sim Car Mechanic Sim Lawn Mowing Sim House Flipper 1 & 2 ...
Should they charge Trump for handing out free covid checks and forgivable PPP loans to influence votes? ...
RFK will talk about covid was a lie and how he didn't get the shot. Trump will proudly admit he rushed the jab and was first in line to get it MAGA will be confused. ...
[quote]Dude, you are sick.[/quote] Again - Trump tells women you look like my daughter - then shoots his load on them ...
[quote]He's 20 years old[/quote] Same age as 2024 draft picks and he has two years of NBA experience. His defense is second only to Herb. His offense has shown progress and i believe will become serviceable as a starter on the right team. Easier to learn to shoot than it is to learn innate de...
[quote]The lack of self-awareness is staggering here.[/quote] I guess i just don't view a father showering with his child as unusual. I'm guessing many dads do it and don't think about it as being sexual. However - Telling a porn star (or many of the women who have also claimed) that she look...
[quote]I did not support that.[/quote] It is very Weinstein to f'ck someone who works for you. Clinton may have said it was consensual, but he was a powerful man and she was a young impressionable intern. She was not in a position to decline his advances without suffering consequences. Its be...
[quote]No, the face of the Democratic Party just showers with his actual daughter. Her own words.[/quote] She called the rumors lies and she stands by her father. Evidence is from a stolen diary whose contents cannot be contextualized or verified. Trumps ex-wife said things about his being a r...

re: Trump just came down escalator

Posted by WaltWhite504 on 5/31/24 at 10:24 am
Trump is now in the old Lenny Bruce part of his career where the days of being funny and witty about various topics are over. Now his speeches will be long boring rants about how the court treated him unfair and specifics about why he should be exonerated. Zzzzzzzzzz ...
[quote]You’re a disgusting person.[/quote] I don't cheat on my wife with women i claim look like my daughter Face of GOP does that. ...
[quote]Coming from somebody that supports the party that includes Bill Clinton this is a rather amusing comment[/quote] Fair - but the left does not hang its hat on votes from the religious right. I supported the impeachment of Clinton. He did apologize and ask forgiveness - a follower of Chri...
[quote]There is a bigger court than the Supremes....[/quote] The religious doubling down on defending the rights of men to whore around on their wives is exactly why interest in organized religion is declining among youth. ...
The crime is falsifying financial disclosures - typically something that people just pay a fine, and go about life Trump claimed he didn't sleep with the porn star, he didn't know about the payments, and it was all something the Cohen did without his knowledge. That was his defense, His not-guilt...