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I agree. I was watching a Great Games on the MLB station on Pluto TV. Mets vs Red Sox in ‘86 World Series. It felt like they were playing with a pitch clock because the pace of play was so much better. We lost our way but the clock has brought it back. Didn’t think I’d be a fan. Still don’t like the...

re: 2021 baseball team

Posted by Rubberbandman21 on 4/18/24 at 3:59 pm
We’ll find out a lot about this year’s team the next two weekends. Schedule is finally getting lighter. Maybe knowing that will light a spark for them. ...
I’ll give you an upvote for that...
Why does baseball have any of the phrases it has? Why say can of corn when you can say pop up? It’s two ways to say the same thing. And it’s not new. ...
Interesting. I’m 41 and also played and coached all over. Maybe we’ve played against each other lol. I always make my players go backside for their first round of bp. Their 2 strike approach is to look to drive a fastball backside and adjust to the offspeed. I’m pretty dumb about a lot of things but...
Where did you grow up? I grew up in south Louisiana and played ball my whole life and have always called going oppo hitting backside. Never thought about your backside facing the other way though lol. It was just pull side and backside. ...
I know there’s a difference between the Kingdom of Israel and the current Nation of Israel. I didn’t know what point you were trying to make by your post. ...
I’m not that smart, but I enjoy reading history and am currently reading through 1 and 2 Samuel in the Old Testament. It’s all about King Saul and King David ruling the Kingdom of Israel. What do you mean by your post?...
He could try at least closing his stance off with his stride. He starts open and strides open, which means his front hip opens up early, putting his alignment and hands across the zone. His bat doesn’t stay in the zone very long so he can only handle very few pitch locations. He swings over the top ...
Just think if Kenny Chesney or Tim McGraw started dressing like Ice Cube in all black and Raiders hat and demanded acceptance into rap music. How would that work?...
Fair point. How much is the average American researching those viewpoints though? Most people parrot what they hear in the mainstream media. And that media only tells us what they want us to believe. That Putin is a dictator and we need to send billions of dollars to stop him. Then send billions mor...
How do we know Putin is the dictator we’re told he is? The same people that told us the shot stopped the spread of Covid and all the other lies, are the same people telling us he’s a dictator. Wake up my friend. He may or may not be, but the only info we have on him comes from our lying media, which...
People of color seem to sing the majority of National Anthems, and they do a good job. But the last two years, since they’ve performed the “Black National Anthem,” they’ve had two white country singers sing. It’s like they’re purposely trying to create the widest divide they can. ...

re: LHSAA state quarterfinals

Posted by Rubberbandman21 on 11/24/23 at 10:07 pm
It was definitely a hold on the long Central TD run. Tackled the defender on the edge that sprung the run. Happened right in front of us. And the Dutchtown player was definitely down. That happened in front of us too. Terrible that they let the kid go in and score in a game like that. ...
Baseball lost a ton of talent off the 2001 team, Skip’s last year. Smoke took the team to the Super’s his first year and Omaha the next two. You can’t say he was a bad hire. Anybody that followed Skip was going to have a bad time, especially with Skip himself looking over their shoulder as AD. ...
White supremacy is the biggest threat because ultimately it’s white males who will defend the nation against the deep state. ...
The Comanches would tie babies to the end of a rope and drag them behind their horses. I don’t feel bad for happened to the Comanches and I won’t feel bad for what will happen to Hamas. ...
Besides reading Of Mice and Men in high school (which I don’t really count), I read Grapes of Wrath then East of Eden. My opinion is that it doesn’t matter what order you read them. And I think you’d be okay jumping into one of those first. There were parts in East of Eden that blew me away, but I t...
One of the best parts of a novel I’ve ever read is when Steinbeck describes Cathy for the first time, saying there’s monsters born into the world. And just like there are monsters born without arms or other physical signs, there are mental or psychic monsters, born with malformed souls. Souls withou...
It’s growing and popular despite almost no coverage from the major sports networks and newspapers. If you watch the hacks on ESPN, they’d have you think it’s dying because they’d rather cover BLM or Tranny night or Taylor Swift at a Jets game. ...