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Registered on:4/14/2021
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Had to do that to be a "volunteer" at my kids school. The video you have to watch made me sick. Regular people of all professions, ages that you would never think, would groom and attack children. Other dads, coaches, teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc. And they agreed to talk about what they did on th...
[quote]Well you say you got the blues, Got holes in both of your shoes, Feelin' alone and confused, You got to keep on smilin', keep on smilin' Yeah, you're about to go insane, Cause your womans playing games And she says that you're to blame, You got to keep on smilin', keep on smilin' Ke...
Team priest. Stupid woman. Now she needs an exorcism and a swift kick to the arse. ...

re: Tonsillectomy as an adult

Posted by CrappyPants on 5/23/24 at 12:17 pm
Got mine out at 27. Best thing i ever did. Yeah the recovery sucked and I basically had to teach my self to re-swallow but haven't had a sore throat since. I'm in my 40s. Tip. If you do it, take your adenoids out as well and keep your throat moist at all times. Set your alarm at night every two ...
Somewhat fit and not a tank. Smells good. Doesn't have flys swarming around her vagine. Can clean a house good. Up for adventure. Doesn't nag. ...
1. Saw a guy get hit by a car on a two lane street by a Tesla. Went flying and everything from his pockets flew out. Change, phone etc. Got out of my car (from the other side of the road) to help him. His eyes were darting back and forth and his pupils were as wide as saucers. Ambulance came shortly...
How can we save LA? Burn it to the ground. With all the politicians who caused this. ...
Get a whoopie cushion. Have it ready at all times. The second you hear a loud sneeze, squeeze it. Then yell out the name of the a-hole who sneezed and blame a loud fart on him. ...
[quote]Reality is that the planet’s climate is constantly changing. And there isn’t a damn thing humanity can do about it.[/quote] I do have to agree that if sesspools like India and China didn't throw 46 billions tons of trash in the fricking oceans every year and didn't smog up the atmosphere, i...
She's not going through a mental crisis. She is trying to take whatever she can from you all under the guise of being "afraid" of you. Cut off all finances, tell her to get a job and file for divorce. Show her pattern of behavior and keep records of everything. ...
I'm blocked in on 3 out of the 4 streets where my house is. Massive trees uprooted and off in road in the Heights...

re: This is becoming nightmarish

Posted by CrappyPants on 5/11/24 at 7:26 pm
These people are SICK in the head. And instead of getting them the help they need, they are glorified and celebrated. Its absolutely insane. ...
Come to Houston. You have: -slow as frick drivers. -swerving drivers on phones or just retarded -it drizzles and the city shuts down -drivers that drive 150 mph -road ragers who pull guns on you -people who don't use blinkers -people who cut over 5 lanes of traffic at last minute because th...
[quote]That's enough internet for me today, I believe.[/quote] This. All day this. I do this daily. Why do I even read the news, or shite online. It fricks with my head. Anything to do with a child. Man, it fricks me up. ...
So nothing is changing? Got it. ...
Trans is a mental illness. Period. Done. End of story. These people need help. They don't need to be glorified by their deranged ways of thinking. They need serious help. 2020 pulled alot of these people out from under their rocks, and they are waving their freak flag as if its some sort of acco...
I always thought when you go to heaven, you find out whatever you ever wanted to find out. The reasons behind everything. The unanswered questions. The turn of events that caused other events. Basically you find out everything and are all knowing. There is a bible verse. "Lean not on thine own under...
Its so true. These whore bitches will make up stories to save face. This happened in a forensic files episode. This woman claimed rape and turns out a man spent years in prison because the other male DNA they found in her vagina was from someone else she was screwing and she didn't want to admit...
Here in Texas you can shoot them. Protecting your property. ...