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Location:The Ville of Pine
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Registered on:4/1/2021
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re: “The Crow” turns 30 today

Posted by Cenlabration on 5/14/24 at 6:46 pm
It was insane how many great movies came out in 1994. Arguably the greatest movie year ever. [img]https://lifeatthemovies.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/1994.png[/img]...
[quote]I'm thinking that she might've gotten plowed for real![/quote] [img]https://www.bing.com/th/id/OGC.d28a876ffd8fa78e949f81d7c9ed75ce?pid=1.7&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2fl0MYwAP1zVOEnEhiM%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=Q%2bbYDjguwdhNlIVClgYn6DD%2fL4tctE3bUIg7rnssbO0%3d[/img]...
The Wrath of Khan earwig scenes terrified me as a kid. [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.vnlczaNgmszAccbiMbKU6wHaDF?w=273&h=145&c=7&r=0&o=5&dpr=1.5&pid=1.7[/img] [img]https://www.bing.com/th/id/OGC.7eeb7bafb8a2021fa8aaac15e8fd6ef7?pid=1.7&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.tenor.com%2fimages%2f7eeb7ba...
According to one of the guests on The Critical Drinker, its just the actor getting dressed for a shoot, everything behind him was added. James Gunn just thought it was an interesting pic. This whole thing is a giant nothing-burger. They will cgi the wrinkles out of his suit later, just like they did...
[quote]wear them with my cargo shorts.[/quote] [img]https://www.bing.com/th/id/OGC.95efe3e9de1282db88b6b45c637cb883?pid=1.7&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia3.giphy.com%2fmedia%2f6UFgdU9hirj1pAOJyN%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=Cpd%2be%2bCZZ0pOpriLmjRBI0iybvK9swGASzMo6qFwFb8%3d[/img]...
Idiots. Could you imagine Cousins slinging it all over the field to Brock Bowers? That would terrify me as a Saints fan. ...
A good friend of mine is dealing with this. His daughter was an all American kid. Got a couple scholarships for academics, soccer and swimming at a northeast ivy league school. I knew immediately when I saw her over the holidays. Blue highlights in hair, talking completely crazy shite. The problem f...

re: MEN- Alex Garland...

Posted by Cenlabration on 4/24/24 at 12:41 pm
[quote]t's a lesson in toxic masculinity masquerading as a horror film. I hated it.[/quote] This. All men are evil. Women are victims who are hunted and persecuted daily. Terrible movie. ...
If they ban Sour Patch Kids, I will burn down everything. ...

re: Khai Prean to Portal

Posted by Cenlabration on 4/17/24 at 9:52 am
Does anyone know Ibieta's status? I know he was recovering from an injury. Haven't heard anything about him. ...
[quote]You think Nuss goes pro after 1 year as a starter?[/quote] If he performs as well as I suspect he will. Absolutely. He'll be 23 with a diploma for the 2025 draft. His dad has been preparing him for this his whole life. ...
I think Hurley starts next year. The battle between him and Underwood is going to be interesting. If Hurley balls out next year, Underwood could bounce. I hate it, but that's todays college football....
Colin Hurley will be starting next year. His throws just look different. Reminds me of Tua....
The man is the commanding officer of a state of the art US Destroyer. Out serving our country away from his family, keeeping you and yours safe. And this board decides to shite on him cuz he was handed a weapon for a photo op that has a backwards scope. Bunch of Barney Bad a$$'s on here....
I was somewhat fooled by it when it was released. Incredible marketing for that time. I still consider BWP one of my favorite horror movies today. I'll admit I'm a sucker for found footage horror though. It doesn't even have to be particularly good and I'll probably be entertained. ...
Yeah, my trip to Dudy Noble a few weeks ago was very eye opening. I know they're the pinnacle college baseball experience right now and it's unfair to compare to them. But still. It was almost like being at a different sport. You could tell our team was rattled by it too. ...