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Registered on:1/29/2021
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Cassidy put something out? Last guy I’d expect to....
I’m a 30 year vet. Recently I’ve actively encouraged my sons to not join the military. It’s no longer a place for white conservative Christian males....

re: All of this is on purpose!

Posted by Jetstream 2000 on 5/9/24 at 8:31 pm
All it takes is for a few people who feel like they have nothing to lose to realize that all these elites have physical addresses and families. Once it starts it won’t stop. There are many many more of us than them....
I am shocked it was a 9-0 ruling. Just goes to show DEI is so incredibly wrong and immoral that even the most Marxist of the justices can’t defend it in the light of day....

DEI dealt blow by Supreme Court

Posted by Jetstream 2000 on 4/22/24 at 5:57 pm
Not a death sentence to the racist and divisive policies of DEI but it’s a good start. [link=(https://twitter.com/dc_draino/status/1782146763685572740?s=46)]X link to story[/link] [quote]The Supreme Court just lowered the bar for proving racial and sexual discrimination in the workplace You n...
Dude who torched himself yesterday was batshit crazy but this is exactly the sort of stuff he wrote about in his manifesto and it’s playing out directly in front of our eyes....

Recommended Budgeting Software?

Posted by Jetstream 2000 on 4/11/24 at 3:29 pm
I used to use Quicken years ago, but now with the advent of so many different apps and even a lot of banks having built-in budget tools, what do most folks on here use to track their monthly spending?...
Look at that fig. What makes you think it was a girl he was talking to?...

re: Laid to Rest

Posted by Jetstream 2000 on 4/10/24 at 6:34 pm
They become part of our family....

re: A Hole move of the day

Posted by Jetstream 2000 on 4/10/24 at 11:47 am
Subtle I can afford delivery food brag...

re: Empty/idle cars at gas pumps

Posted by Jetstream 2000 on 4/1/24 at 10:42 pm
People should move their car then go get the receipt. Same for buying drinks and snacks. Common courtesy....
Money gives you options....
There’s no way the FBI has the manpower to talk to everyone who has a FJB sticker on their car. A friend used to work at one of these centers and explained it to me one day....
FBI has operations center that manages perceived threats. If you make a threatening phone call towards a federal official, or otherwise draw attention to yourself in a threatening way, they will run through your online presence to quickly determine if you are someone they want to ignore, send out S...
And now the link is disabled……...
[quote]quote: “This universe is a little more sophisticated than just about any universe in any other state,” said Patrick Mara, chair of the D.C. Republican Party. “I listen to the political podcasts in the morning. I read the newsletters throughout the day. That’s probably, like, half the people s...
In DC. That should tell you everything you need to know about her. [link=(https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/03/haley-dc-primary-results-00144502)]DC is going to swamp[/link]...
Yes and no. I don’t regret serving with my fellow servicemembers but I do recognize and regret the endless wars that we were lied to about and lost friends to make the MIC rich....
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHNstuiWUAEbmdz?format=jpg&name=small[/img] From what I can tell it didn't kill him but he is at a local hospital burn unit. Apparently he is a active duty USAF airman stationed in Texas from reading around on the interwebs. He was upset about Gaza so he torched...
I once worked with a guy who transitioned to be a girl. By the time I met him/her they’d already started wearing dresses and makeup but was obviously a dude. One time my supervisor had a conversation with the person and he/she broke down crying talking about how incredibly lonely they were. I gen...