Favorite team:Michigan 
Biography:I took out the sordid details & here's what's left;
Interests:Watches,Sports,Fair Elections
Occupation:Electrician,amateur horologist
Number of Posts:3051
Registered on:12/26/2020
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[quote]If Biden were convicted of either of those, I wouldn't vote for him. But if he were convicted of anything, he wouldn't be on the ballot. The DNC would replace him. He hasn't been charged by any prosecutor or by the House with any crime though. Trump was found to have committed Rape b...
[quote]Free elections and Republicans do not mix. They have voted in MAGA restrictions in just about every red state. You just don't have a clue.[/quote] All because legitimate elections & Democrats don't mix. I have a clue, &I just shared it with you....
[quote]Republicans always project their sins onto their opponents.[/quote] Funny you mention projection & sins, as that comment is an unmistakable leftist confession via projection....
Si. I even had it hanging upside down for a short time a while back, although I can't recall specifically what prompted me to do so....

re: George Floyd

Posted by 2020_reVISION on 5/24/24 at 3:21 am
[quote] quote: Rather than taunting people who were mislead or threatened into taking the vaccine, or bragging about "pure blood", The purebloods would be better off putting that effort into getting their GEDs. [/quote] You sound bitter coming to the realization that even if you were s...
[quote]Unfortunately that flag was co-opted and misused by election deniers, confirmed by witnesses and in video. [/quote] Really? I recall the endless supply of election deniers in 2016-'17, Some attempting a coup, some intimidating electors, some obstructing the J6 joint session, some issuing d...
Coming soon to a town near you......
[quote]First, their tweet uses language "Sensory Deprivation Chamber" but then admits it's solitary confinement. [/quote] That language was used because it was Lang's own description. TGP didn't "admit" to anything, as there was nothing to "admit" to. [quote]Also, he was denied bail for accus...
[quote]One shot in May ‘20. [/quote] This May 20th, as in a month ago? Why?...
[quote]You guys are ridiculous. If anything, Fauci saved lives. [/quote] Feel free to elaborate on just how he went about saving lives....
[quote]What Fauci and company did was to take chances with gain of function research. They were trying to do good and save the world and the risk was justified in their minds. [/quote] Save the world from what? ...
But, will he take Trump behind the gym? Then, will he hit the showers...with his daughter?...
[quote] but as to bragging about being a "pure blood" (by the way, what other vaccines did you refuse to maintain "pure blood" status?)... that's just stupid. [/quote] What's stupid is that any reasonably intelligent individual should have no problem with what is such an easy & obvious answer t...
[quote]Post-Christian America looks more like a society where so called "christians" defend a guy who uses his election funds to cover up his porn star activities because they like that he keeps the dirty mexicans from coming across the border.[/quote] Someone who allegedly "uses his election fu...
[quote]Remember what Tucker texted Alex Pfeiffer, his producer, on Jan 6th - as verified and admitted into court records during the J6 investigation. “Trump is a demonic force, a destroyer” I guess he is right. But why would Tucker then support that Demonic Force unless he wanted the Satani...
Perhaps we've overlooked the high cost of, and often under-appreciated innovation that went into what is clearly one of the finest stainless steel hybrid water fountain/outdoor urinals on the market today....
[quote] quote: You’re stupid. You know what else is fricking stupid? Renominating a guy who lost to dementia Joe and thinking that’s a good idea [/quote] You know what else is fricking stupid? Thinking that guy lost to dementia Joe....

re: Just about done...

Posted by 2020_reVISION on 4/20/24 at 7:17 pm
[quote]Isn’t Russia building a community for American conservatives? You don’t have to move there, but at least there is an option, right?[/quote] I imagine you'll be jumpin' on I-94 heading due East non-stop to Dearborn, right?...