Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Number of Posts:851
Registered on:12/1/2020
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re: Lincoln Project wasting no time

Posted by Elihu on 5/30/24 at 8:46 pm
[quote]Lincoln Project[/quote]Are those the poo-stabbing republicans?...

re: What is the World's reaction to today?

Posted by Elihu on 5/30/24 at 5:15 pm
We look like a corrupt 3rd world backwater country to the rest of the civilized world....
Why would anyone stay in a “church” like that? Escape for your life! Do not look behind you…lest you be destroyed....
[quote]These people always look the same.[/quote]Dumbass butt-ugly white women. ...
And Biden has spent over 50 years climbing to the top. You don’t do that without being absolute scum....
I just got back from 3 weeks in northern Europe and it’s undeniable that they are way thinner than Americans in general. Didn’t see many Wal-Mart fatties waddling around. ...
[quote]Right-wing National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir[/quote] What does that mean?...
Looks and sounds like some kind of dystopian death cult. England did that to themselves by embracing the liberal virtue-signaling propaganda....
I just got back from a week over there. Muzzies everywhere. It’s crazy. And they are obsessed with climate change over there. Every single day there was a story on the BBC about it. Just a constant drumbeat. There’s also no counter voice to the liberal media that I could find. Propaganda and brai...
Oh no, they called them “racists!” I suppose they think that will end all dissent immediately. Liberals are disgusting....
I know exactly what those screeching cows look like without every seeing them. ...
Every time I’ve had to go to the ER in Austin it’s been packed full of illegals....

re: Tucker live on twitter response

Posted by Elihu on 3/7/24 at 11:15 pm
It was a really good discussion. Alex was very coherent. ...

re: SOTU In Game Thread

Posted by Elihu on 3/7/24 at 8:40 pm
Why is there an angry old incoherent turd screaming on my tv?...