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Location:Da Bayou
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[quote]from Mesa, Arizona?[/quote] I wonder if he and Coach Jay have a volatile history from his days on the West Coast....
Just wondering if it is him are they all biased against LSU! :dunno: ...

Mighty Milam strikes again!!!

Posted by Scorpio58 on 5/31/24 at 1:40 pm
Damn that little guy has lots of heart! Very impressive!...
I mean the basement worked for Pedo Joe. DJT can have a top-notch stage set up there and save on campaign expenses. He can have a virtual rally 24/7 on YouTube or a nonstop podcast. More money to run tv ads and what not to expose the Biden crime family....
[quote]They'll be threatened, paid off, etc before morning.[/quote] They will get information on the jurors leaning for not guilty and have them removed for some BS reason and put in a Biden alternate juror....
Biden's handlers are trying to get Massad to take him out so the DNC doesn't have to. Kamala will then come into power and cancel the November elections once WWIII begins....
[quote]provide an extra $40 per month per qualifying child[/quote] So, a single mother with 5 kids will sell the extra $200 for 50 cents on the dollar to have some discretionary spending money....
[quote]It is a magic wand[/quote] Is that the one Obama couldn't find?...
[quote]Is there a possible connection with the left going so extreme[/quote] The connection started in the 60's when colleges and universities began hiring the communist and Marxist as teachers and administrators. After 40 years of these people indoctrinating future educators and HR personnel, th...
I may be wrong, but I don't recall seeing him wearing glasses before....
[quote] It tasted foul.[/quote] Back in the early 80's Dixie beer was king. Most of the alcoholics I drank with drank Dixie. Once they stopped using the river water to brew it, they all started swapping over to Budweiser. They said it didn't taste the same. I couldn't tell you cause that shite wa...
Hmmmm?? How many of Bidens interviews have been staged. Damn near every damn one of them. He ends almost every press conference with "I'll get in trouble if I answer questions". Because he doesn't have them in his script! ...
I'm sure she can find some illegal from Venezuela to take the guy out for cheap. Problem solved....
[quote]Absolutely. The hundreds of thousands shallow enough to idolize her would be easily guided by her influence, particularly those who would normally be apathetic enough not to even vote until she told them "their vote matters to our democracy" [/quote] Her involvement might be a good thing....
[quote] Abbot’s Texas[/quote] In a way you are right. Texas convinced all these west coast leftist companies to come to Texas for business reasons. Unfortunately, they brought a lot of their progressive beliefs, policies, and employees with them. ...

re: The Don Kisses the Ring

Posted by Scorpio58 on 3/5/24 at 9:39 pm
Who better to get a loan from to protect his properties in New York. Trump making another real estate deal in NYC just to piss off the DA and judge....
become the next hot topic? Do the leading candidates come out harder for Trump, or play a wait and see game....
RDFN. Not my largest holding but bought 1000 shares @ $5.76. Betting when interest rates drop it will climb back up to the 2020 range between $40 to $70 again. ...

re: Meanwhile over at DU

Posted by Scorpio58 on 1/15/24 at 9:30 pm
[quote]Sounds like a shite hole to me[/quote] It's a very violent place. Did you see those elderly folks attack that poor Hamas supporter for no reason! You can't even voice your opinion without them getting upset. :blackheli: ...