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Registered on:6/14/2020
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[quote]Repubs .....get your legal butts in front of a judge ......[/quote] This doesn’t matter , just like PA with signature verification and mail in ballots not being counted past the election date . What happen with those judges rulings? Democrats ignored them and counted them anyway. None of i...
[quote] It takes months and years to unpack rigging of this complexity. Courts just aren't equipped to handle this quickly enough to get to the bottom of the facts[/quote] Why do you think you were told to move on from 2020 and it’s a losing issue ? So they can do it AGAIN in 2024 . Nothing was d...
[quote]link to trump's written plan for this?[/quote] Unlike politicians , Trump does what he says he’s gonna do . “ my first day in office I will sign this order” . Via executive order he will sign this . ...
[quote]How did Kemp get elected?[/quote] The votes were counted properly . ...

re: Agenda 47

Posted by Jspaspa3303 on 6/8/24 at 5:28 pm
Now that I can get behind, and be happy when it’s implemented . ...
Have we learned anything ? IT DOES NOT MATTER! Nothing will happen, and a strong worded letter will be written by the GOP, and that will it . These people do what they want . They released a pandemic on the world and stole an election! THEY DO NOT CARE. ...
Just what the public should do , give the government more power . They have some morons that live in that state . What a shithole . They are voting for this, and they will get what they deserve . ...
He won’t need to pardon him he won’t see a jail cell . ...
I won’t hold my breath for anything to be done , or for this to be reported on any of the big news networks . AZ is a key part of the 2024 presidential election , and Hobbs knows how to steal elections . Nothing will be done . ...
[quote]Trump sentencing to be 3 days before RNCC meeting. Never Trumpers still trying to oust Trump as nominee.[/quote] 100% correct and 100% true . ...
[quote]What is the best way to donate?[/quote] [link=(http://47.donaldjtrump.com/WhgpDTK)]Trumps website [/link]...
My man , it was a joke . I was saying what the media would say he was doing , and take up for him. The guy is a POS. ...
It was a man made virus created by your government with China, and was released upon the world with your governments approval . ...
No no no ! Trump can’t win , he brings no new to voters to the party , only his base, remember ? His message does not register with everyone . ...
No buddy he’s praying . He’s a devout Catholic, he always prays for his country and family. ...
[quote]Dude, this is like 3 years old.[/quote] Imagine what the chants would be now . Can Biden do that? ...
[quote]Really was a waste. Absolutely for nothing.[/quote] And the same thing is currently being done in Ukraine as we speak . It’s obvious why DC wants war , it enriches them and their lobbyist/ special interests groups. ...
[quote]Yeah, had nothing to do with kneeling on the neck of a handcuffed suspect?[/quote] Had nothing to do with it at all . The man is innocent and needs to be let out of jail ASAP. He fricking overdosed !! He was saying he could not catch his breath in the police car sitting down. ...
[quote]Political suicide. Wouldn't touch it until 2028.[/quote] frick that , an innocent man is in jail and rotting away because of “politics” . Pardon the man and give him a million dollars . Send a clear message that this shite will not happen again along with pardoning all the J6ers. ...
These people act so surprised that this is happening . It’s been happening for the last 4 years . Foreign countries are building armies on our soil . And the media says nothing because it would hurt this clown in office now . “Enemy of the People” ...