Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:born and raised
Number of Posts:176
Registered on:6/7/2020
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The democrats weaponized the system. It would be wrong for us to wield the power we were rightly elected to wield. Why are republicans brain dead?...
Guilty of being based lmao...
How about that for free speech? Trust the plan. Yea, chicken’s plan...
Alright Voxdawg FMK: CIA, FBI, NSA Go...
Just kidding it was even more tame. Believing your countrymen deserve a homeland should not be controversial, nationalism is a foundational right. [link=(https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2024/06/09/auslander-raus-controversy-football-game-cancelled-after-fans-sing-foreigners-out-song/)]Breitbart...
Barron should become the new owner. Easy solution. My consulting is open 9-5 thanks...
They shouldnt be allowed to drive…...

re: Guaranteed Basic Income

Posted by NotPrepared on 6/10/24 at 3:16 pm
Jewish bolshevism - lite...
Stop your yappin this isnt facebook...
St. Andrews has none of this. We dont affiliate with them...

re: Elon Musk to buy Info-Wars?

Posted by NotPrepared on 6/7/24 at 8:37 pm
the parents defamed themselves look no further than how they joke and laugh [i]on camera[/i] [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD_r3D6AU_4)]you just turn it on like that?[/link]...
That would be illegal and unprecedented. Not to mention unconstitutional ...

Should Trump lose weight?

Posted by NotPrepared on 6/4/24 at 2:53 pm
Not sure this what I envisioned my unified reich ubermensch looking like...
sorry guys i was the gas inspector, had beans the night before...
Shouldnt have relaxed around her...