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Registered on:4/30/2020
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Interesting. A gambling scenario where the house usually loses....
[quote]Define successful.[/quote] suc·cess·ful adjective accomplishing an aim or purpose. ...
This guy was [img]https://wp-cpr.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2019/05/a_the_dozer.jpg[/img] [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7QG1w3ixkM&t=9s&pp=ygUJa2lsbGRvemVy)]Marvin Heemeyer's Killdozer [/link]...
I think they were looking for a certain banned hemp derived product. frick those guys. ...
The bereaved loved ones may get some comfort in warning other drivers to be cautious because a fatal accident occurred there. I guess they end up looking trashy but I don't have a problem with it. If there are lots of them on a stretch of highway...I'm definitely going to be a vigilant driver on tha...
[quote]Its a lot easier to walk behind and hold on to a rolling cart than it is to bend and stoop to stock shelves and lift heavy boxes of canned goods.[/quote] Exactly. Winn-Dixie was not abusing Mr Dillon. :lol: He's been there forever; should they fire him for his age? The last time I saw him ...

re: I am Iron Man, said little boy

Posted by Misnomer on 6/2/24 at 9:38 am
[img]https://arynews.tv/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ezgif.com-resize-39-1-696x342.webp[/img] That's awesome ...
Have you ever checked out that little resale boutique next to the one in Denham? ...
[quote]big carters chocolate chip cookies.[/quote] I worked at the original Carter's in the '90s :nana: Blackberry cobbler ...
[quote]Sounds like he made some bad financial choices and/or didn't save his money for retirement.[/quote] He's been a grocery store courtesy clerk for decades, it's not exactly easy to save for retirement. ...
[quote]Pretty irresponsible for Win Dixie to even allow that. Find the man a position indoors. If he's able enough to push shopping carts, he can stock a shelf.[/quote] If you knew him, you wouldn't be saying that. He was doing what he wanted to do! ...
[b]News anchor helps raise $220K for 90-year-old veteran pushing shopping carts to make ends meet[/b] [quote]A former Louisiana news anchor helped raise more than $220,000 for a 90-year-old veteran who she saw on Memorial Day pushing shopping carts at a local supermarket in blistering heat just t...
It helps relieve deer fly bites. Good stuff...
It's super common. I can only wear gold or sterling silver, anything else turns my ears red and swollen....
Block the bad uncle's number on her dad's phone? And in the meantime give uncle the facts from his doctors and explain how he could be putting him in harm's way. ...
The availability of buprenorphine products from pharmacies has helped. The mindset on that is shifting, and it is a good thing to see....
I made the mistake of leaving the porch light on as I brought in groceries tonight. The dog is having a good time vacuuming them up....

re: Termite swarms in BR

Posted by Misnomer on 5/4/24 at 9:45 pm
We discovered termite infestation in our garage this week and got set up with the local professional the next day to start the process. Seeing them crawling out of my house makes me sick. [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/l49K2rm0Hjg7PmbUA/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952ggoabb4sv94zw59v4lz29t0z75322dr1c...
Yes, I've made them proud. It did matter to me a great deal to succeed in their eyes, even when they were no longer my disciplinarians, and especially when they thought it wasn't a good idea :lol: The desire to meet and exceed expectations starts at home. It's an important character trait. ...