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Registered on:4/27/2020
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Aren't you free to steal anything up to the $900 limit in Commiefornia??...
[b]Johnson: “Because they believe like I do. They believe in the institution. We can’t let the Congress be stuck. We have to save the world. If we allowed chaos and stagnation to interrupt the people’s work, then Iran could have fired nuclear missiles at Israel. China would take over Taiwan. Russia ...
Read this and you will understand. part of how they manipulate you. Energy is control. [link=(https://ia802300.us.archive.org/10/items/silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars_202110/Silent%20Weapons%20for%20Quiet%20Wars.pdf)]Quiet Wars[/link]...
These polls are just to make you think the nation is somewhat equally divided when it is not. The only places that are "blue" are the cities where they able to rig the voting.....
This is looking more and more like organized distribution......
Somewhere there is huge warehouse full of books "written" by Al Gore, Hillary, Obama, and now Liz Cheney.. Either that or the "best selling" is another fake stat.....
Would be much better of the country to just increase the deduction for children to 10-20K per year than this unsecured border mess.....

re: Why is "Israel our greatest ally"?

Posted by mb6355 on 10/23/23 at 4:57 pm
Many in the current administration hold dual citizenship, should not be allowed....
Gaetz exposed the uni-party for everyone to see. ...

re: Where is Kamala?

Posted by mb6355 on 10/18/23 at 10:40 am
Getting a brain transplant or their still testing the new clone to see if it can make coherent sentences....
What, no one wants to aspire to a fat slob......
[quote]NFL and swift is pulling off the greatest cross marketing campaign ever. [/quote] Exactly....
A better use would be fuel for someone's fireplace for an afternoon this winter. In the end will cost less and someone would actually benefit for a few hours.....

re: Electric Cars Are An Expensive Scam

Posted by mb6355 on 7/1/23 at 3:51 pm
Exactly, they know they will get bailed out so selling at huge losses doesn't matter. GM,Ford, and Chrysler should have all failed in 2008. It's almost like they are government backed operations pretending to be private.....
Most "food" people consume now contain several toxins (mostly seed oils and other processed crap). Essentially most are slow acting poisons. One defense mechanism the body uses is storing these toxins in fat, probably one of the main reasons for the % of obese people in the population now.. ...
Fork and mouth disease is a real killer......
He and the democrats will need to do a study and results will be out around January 2025, just a coincidence this is after the election... But prior to those results, they will lean heavily to at least $500K per individual but will settle at allowing the shoplifting limit of $1k per trip until all ...
Thermite cut [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Scq5WpGiD4w/TmWM8tosxfI/AAAAAAAACwg/rroBM3CIRg8/s400/thermate%2Bcut.jpg[/img]...