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Interests:LSU Gym
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Registered on:4/25/2020
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[quote]Kaliya ties for second on floor.[/quote] I can see Kaliya taking the lead off spot on floor next year. If not the lead off, then somewhere in the lineup in place of Konnor...
I think another thing to remember is that with less skills in a routine, it will probably be much easier for Lexi to be cleaner on bars...
She’ll be out until February at the earliest. Hoping coaches don’t have her compete until senior night at the earliest ...
If what I’m reading about Selena in twitter is true about why she was supposedly dismissed from the UCLA team, I don’t want her with our team...
[quote]This is fine - but Sierra doesn’t need to be in any lineups (I did love her opening on beam this year in the second 2/3 of the season once she worked out her nerves). However, Gnat needs to work on developing another lead off and not just using Sierra.[/quote] [quote]I like the idea of keepin...
And we’ll be at home vs Florida again next year ...
[quote]Just saw the snap of Kiya trashing her grips and reality just set it. I’m in tears.[/quote] [quote]It’s sad but she left with a national title and stayed healthy her final year. Best way to go out![/quote] Kiya clarified on her IG story that the grips were just long overdue to be thrown ou...
That’s a deduction judges can take if they want to ...
Gotta geaux stick some vaults now...
Their first year with us was her freshman year at Utah however she has been at GAGE training while Court was there...
It’s based on the regional bracket so seeds 1,4,5, and 8 are in the evening session and 2,3,6, and 7 are in the afternoon session(seeding done based on NQS scoring) making us seed 2 for nationals...
We aren’t hosting regionals until 2026 since it’s predetermined by a bidding system up to 4 years in advance...
There were .3 worth of form deductions throughout the routine including the dismount...
That is almost completely unlikely to happen with how good Kentucky has been compared to Minnesota and Arkansas this year and the fact that Arkansas is the home team. Kentucky also has a higher score ceiling than both those 2 teams so (Minnesota especially) and even with an off day are more likely t...