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Thanks for reminding me about that game. I brought my 10 yo daughter to that LSU 11-4 win over UNC for her birthday treat 3 days after her birthday. We had a great time. I believe that’s the game Mike Koerner fouled off 11 or 12 pitches with a full count before finally walking. Now who was it that s...

re: XAVIER 2 @ LSU 8 Final - SECN+

Posted by EulerRules on 3/9/24 at 5:52 pm
C’mon Kling. You cost Tanks a hit last night with your sloppy base-running. Focus, man....
Me like “covering” a receiver more than “watching” a receiver. If you want to watch, then buy a ticket....
[quote]He was sick and tired of being mistreated! [/quote] Wow. A single 2-point conversion brought out all that venom. Surely that is not representative of most Tide fans....
Got there 20 minutes before first pitch last year and had no trouble getting a $15 ticket for $25 from a guy near the gate. He told me, “It’s face value.” I just laughed and said, “Dude, its OK.”...
A lot of Tiger fans got on the Wake player after he stated that when their reliever Cam Minacci took the mound it was “game over”. But he was right, because on his first pitch, Tanks made it “game over”....
[quote]but I did read that game was Gavin Guidry’s first time on the bump in relief for LSU.[/quote] Guidry pitched in the 9th against Butler in the 12-2 Skenes’ win on 3/3/23. Run-rule win against Southeastern was 5/2/23....

re: Which WR duo you taking?

Posted by EulerRules on 3/4/24 at 11:01 pm
[quote]Landry’s over the back catch against Arkansas was the most improbable catch I’ve ever seen in over a half century of watching football. [/quote] Pernod, I agree with you about Jarvis’s catch against Arky. On the replay from the front you can see the DB’s hands about to clasp the ball, when J...
Here’s your attention. You can hug your Teddy bear now and go to sleep....
“See, Travis, that’s how that is supposed to work. Not you bumping Andy nearly off his feet.”...
[quote] It is still way too early to know if this team is going to hit better... Friday at Texas will be our first real test, let's see.[/quote] In baseball I don’t think any one game is a “real test” to decide whether a team can hit well. Not any more so than for an individual hitter. Even Crews...
I understand many players need to play to "get the nerves out", but bench players on this team will likely develop better practicing against our starting five, than playing against most teams. When CKM feels they are good enough, then they will play....

re: Clueless but inquizative

Posted by EulerRules on 2/26/24 at 1:02 pm
[quote]Coed #1 - what’s an error?[/quote] An error is misspelling "inquisitive" as "inquizative"....
[quote]Very scummy move He should know better[/quote] Are you suggesting he actually DOESN'T know better?...

re: Why does Stony Brook own LSU?

Posted by EulerRules on 2/26/24 at 12:30 am
[quote]3-3 all time & a trip to Omaha. All LSU home games. Who got who[/quote] Why is a UT fan living vicariously through a team 3-3 against LSU?...NVM, I see, they have nothing else. But maybe you should live vicariously through Vandy, since they have 2 recent CWS natties....
Yep. A lot of people might have forgotten our 16-1 loss to Arkansas on 5/4/97 and 6 days later the 28-2 loss to Ala#!&* the 2nd to last game of SEC regular season play...followed exactly 4 weeks later by a 13-6 Natty win over same team in Omaha. Shout out to Doug Thompson!...
TM7. Best open-field tackler I've seen at LSU....
Not 24-4 embarrassing, but at least that loss wasn't because somebody threw a shoe. And that turned out fine the next day....
[quote]Jared Jones looks to have spent the offseason in the cage working on pitch selection, patience, and going the opposite way with his swing.[/quote] Yes. Though he looked awful in his first AB yesterday (3 straight awful swings at curve balls,; one he was WAY ahead of), he then came back nex...