Favorite team:LSU 
Location:God's Country
Biography:Country Living is Good
Interests:Farm Life, Outdoors
Occupation:Construction Management
Number of Posts:3800
Registered on:11/7/2019
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Recent Posts

You mean the jackass Dem in the suit? You're right, what a jackass clown!...
You're from Oakland aren't you. And I bet you voted for Biden didn't you. And you live in mommy and daddy's basement don't you. And you're just plain stupid aren't you. Go away...........................................
There's a big difference between $3MM and $20MM annually....
Grew up in South Texas, CFS, mashed taters/gravy, green beans, homemade rolls and sweet tea.............with bread or banana pudding for dessert. The good old days............................$5.99 dinner. Memories....

re: Evansville was no Stony Brook

Posted by Bandit1980 on 6/10/24 at 1:18 pm
Boy, and those three Natty's he won are so awesome! No wait, maybe it was only two................. Oops, it was one, that's it! Well, my mistake, you have none but keep trying loser...........
Speaking of stupid, it's old "SlowBlowProHo". What's the temp in mommy and daddy's basement today?...
Please insert the word "jackass" before clown in your statement. Thanks in advance....
Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How's about you get a job, and with your first paycheck go to WalMart and buy a brain.....................look for falling prices......................
Are you serious? Did Trump do anything at all that resembles what Boodan has done? Or better put, undone?...
I just became a Celtics fan...................never, ever thought I'd say that. Oh, and Mark Cuban can sit on a lit cigar.......................
Prayers for the couple. Unborn child with the Lord now. Sad So, first off I'd like the Dems on this boards' opinion, you know, if these were mostly peaceful beatings. Second, the loss of life does not constitute some sort of murder charge? Third, and the question needing answered most: Dems in ...
He meant incarceration is low, crime is soaring.................

re: I'm Voting for The Outlaw

Posted by Bandit1980 on 6/4/24 at 3:21 pm
Well that makes at least two or more of us.........Trump, myself, and prolly a whole bunch more that don't care about you either....

re: Philadelphia Freedom

Posted by Bandit1980 on 6/4/24 at 3:19 pm
Looks like a normal, average Saturday night doesn't it?...
Stop drinking late at night, you're keeping your parents awake with all of that noise from their basement............................
There's only one thing that matters: Win the LAST college game played this year and then you have something to brag about. Otherwise.............................................oh well....

re: Question about Ashley’s diary

Posted by Bandit1980 on 6/4/24 at 3:00 pm
Thank you.....................sick is sick, and Boodan is one sick bastard....
He needs to start immediately after inauguration..............
Yup................................ One hell of a lot better than voting for any cowardly, idiotic, weak, jackass Dem.......................................any time....
"Let me be clear!" How many times did we hear that during Potato-heads campaign? (actually, that was his key word/phrase to his handlers to tell him what to say next in his earpiece)....