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Registered on:10/29/2019
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Sounds great and I believe his asnswer BUT, the question should include one key word. [b]ALL[/b] Release [b]ALL [/b]the files, on[b] ALL[/b] of it/them/they whatever. Even if he does, there is no guarantee we ever get to see them....
His BIG press conference on the matter was a lie. All 7 minutes of it, with no questions, other than about Trump, at the, which led to his shite eating grin....
[quote]Proud Army veteran here. Operation Iraqi Freedom. Operation Enduring Freedom. Twenty-seven months overseas.[/quote] Proud of what? What did YOU do in the war daddy?...
[quote]You do realize an actual anti gay president won’t win in present day right?[/quote] Don't have to be anti-gay. Just not flagrantly Pro-Pervert, is all I ask. And to be clear, I'm not calling all gays perverts. Just the ones like you would see at the "Decadence Festival", in New Orleans,...
[quote]And bring back BoarEd. He was banned for no reason.[/quote] He was banned repeatedly, then he said, (to himself), frick it, and left voluntarily. Life has happended since, and his priorities changed. He has transcended this board, Ed has... [img]https://www.beyond-the-fringe.info/i...
[quote]didn't trump hide said documents and refuse to return them?[/quote] That could be the mysterious binder of "Crossfire Hurricane", which he declassified but "they" never released them to the public. That's what they were looking for in this classified document case....
[img]https://forum.gizadeathstar.com/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/4/047f9937e1d9370f2d1ea41288edd28ac884c521_2_1346x998.jpeg[/img] "Poppy" Bush...
[quote]There's the answer.[/quote] There were plenty of attempts to provide your misguided arse with answers but, NO, you were waiting for your answer to show up so you could shoot your cock filled mouth off. ...
Looks like OP shot it's wad with "clever" gotcha "question" and has no balls to join in, its own thread. :spank:...
Geesh! You took a lot of discussions, from various sources and twisted them into, what you think is a clever "question. First, they had no idea Trump would NOT be there during an unnecessary RAID, with armed to the teeth agents, (from DC bureau, no less). Second, the " Seal Team 6 to assassina...

re: The Lone Warrior

Posted by LookSquirrel on 6/1/24 at 8:36 am

re: Strengthen him LORD

Posted by LookSquirrel on 5/31/24 at 8:36 pm
CA? I'll try my best BUT, he's no longer with us... About all I can say. ...

Strengthen him LORD

Posted by LookSquirrel on 5/31/24 at 8:10 pm
[img]https://i.imgur.com/9nE9ZaA.jpeg[/img] [embed]https://x.com/TrumpDailyPosts/status/1796544441278517631?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1796544441278517631%7Ctwgr%5Eeffcacdaa93f84af6d7bf992edf45e73602054df%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.beyond-the-fringe.info%2Fs...
Another "convicted felon". Preferably black lesbian man of color....
They want violence to blame on MAGA and they might be willing to sacrifice their own to get it. These fricks are sick and evil enough to it. Gotta stop the convicted felon / Hitler for the greater "good". :devil:...
According to Buzz Patterson, he also lost the codes to the nuclear football and didn't tell anyone. [link=(https://nitter.poast.org/BuzzPatterson/status/1796046029394956686#m)]nitter[/link]...
[quote]nutty conspiracy theorists on the internet.[/quote] As opposed to just regular conspiracy theories? I used to have a friend that thought his TV was spying on him. I know it sounds crazy now, but we also used to think we were being manipulated to buy more popcorn at the movies, due to...
There ya go. 7 Min. and a walk away, (almost)....
Checks watch to make joke about "afternoon", then goes straight to Trump....